1. Bethany – Chapter One: Meet Cute? Meet Duke.

    Date: 11/14/2023, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bestiality, Domination/submission Humiliation Job/Place-of-work Non-consensual sex Rape Written by women Author: LittleMissK

    She was as basic as a white girl in fall could be. She had the soft ankle boots, the sweater, the scarf. Her hair was freshly streaked with caramel and brown highlights, and she held a spiced concoction in one hand. Bethany sipped her cooling beverage as she wandered around the park, pretending to be taking in the fall scenery, but really scoping out the cute guy she had seen the last few days. He had been tall, fair, a little on the brooding side, and had been avoiding making eye contact every time she had said hi. His dog, a large bull mastiff, on the other hand, had been more than a little affectionate. Every time he saw Bethany, he would jump up at her, trying to lick her face, more than happy to get lots of attention from her. She would lavish the dog with attention, figuring if she showed his owner that she was good with dogs, maybe they could exchange numbers.
    About a week into deliberately running into them at the park, he finally made the step to introduce himself.
    “I’m Michael,” he stammered, “this is Duke.” He made eye contact fleetingly, his blue eyes flicking to her brown ones.
    “Bethany,” she laughed, as the over exuberant dog bounced up at her, “I absolutely love your dog!” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Michael smile.
    “Well, he’s sort of the opposite of me,” his voice trailed off. Bethany stood and smiled up at him, seeing this as her opportunity.
    “That’s okay,” she said, “I bet a lot of people go for your dog and leave you to just ...
    ... observe. It seems to work for you.” Michael nodded and held a handout towards the path.
    “Would you like to join us?”
    Bethany was thrilled, she had been single for so long, with very few men meeting her standards, this was definitely a step in the right direction. They walked around the park, chatting about their jobs, Duke, the weather, and nature in general. As they finished the loop, ending up at the parking lot, Michael came over all shy and peeked over at Bethany.
    “I enjoyed today,” he’s voice faltered slightly, “would you like to have dinner sometime?” Somewhere inside Bethany’s mind, she did a little happy dance. He was successful, judging by the car he was loading Duke into, probably well off, and more than a little on the attractive side. She nodded, making a point to say an extended goodbye to Duke.
    “Of course!” She was hard pressed not to let her excitement show in her voice, “I’m free Friday, if that works for you?” She asked, standing back up from petting the large dog. Michael smiled.
    “Friday is fine,” Michael said, giving her his number and address, “would you be okay with dinner at my place? I do not like leaving Duke alone. And I would hate for you to miss out on the chance to see him.” Bethany just grinned.
    “That’s totally fine with me,” she all but purred, “I’ll see you Friday.”
    Bethany took Friday off from work and scheduled to not be back until Wednesday. She cited some much needed down time with her boss, Mr. O’Toole. She shuddered every ...