Headstrong Ch. 03
Date: 11/12/2023,
Author: byRykerSterling
... to make sure Ted got settled, and mom was the manager in our house.
"There's a B and B right next to campus, which seems nice." Ted paused, and I resolved not to speak first this time.
I won. Eventually. "Er, Kim?"
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" There was a hell of a lot that he should be sorry for, but I was curious about what he had in mind.
"Um, I guess... I'm sorry that I fell so hard for Sara. And that it hurt you."
Oh, that. "Come here you big goof. Give me a hug." When I sat up in bed and took him in my arms, I continued, "No one can control who they fall in love with. I know that. Sure, it hurt me, but I'm over that. Mostly, at least."
I giggled. It was SO nice to finally be talking to and feeling close to Ted again. I'd missed it SO much. I went on, "I know that you didn't try to fall for Sara. You'd been together quite a while, and it just happened. I just wish you'd been more up front about it." That was the real issue.
"Yeah, I was a total shit. Sorry. Dad really reamed me out a few days ago. He told me what an asshole I'd been, fucking Sara at the beach - which I guess you saw - and then pretending that I hadn't had sex..."
"'In forever,' I think you said. Total asshole!" I giggled again. At least he knew he'd been a jerk, and we were talking again.
"Yeah, I was, for sure. But, you know," I loved how his eyes got that old mischievous twinkle as he went on, "it's like every guy's absolutely BEST fantasy, to be fucking two ...
... incredibly hot babes, one after another. On the same day even! You can't really blame a guy for trying, can you?"
God! How pathetic! But after being ogled and come on to by guys of all types and all ages since I was, like 10, I know men. And they do want to fuck. So I couldn't really blame Ted, either for falling in love with Sara, or wanting to have his cake and eat it, too. Whatever that means. Eat his cake and fuck it, too, maybe?
And I had to admit, to myself at least - no way was I telling Ted! - that I hadn't been completely up front about how I'd dealt with John. Maybe Ted had just seen our future - getting involved with others - earlier than I...
I pulled Ted closer and said, "OK, big brother. All is forgiven. I can't blame you for falling for Sara. She's awesome. I'm happy for you. For both of you."
"And I'm happy that things have worked out for you and John..." He raised his eyebrows quizzically. "And dad, I guess?"
"Yeah." I felt the cat-that-ate-the-canary smile forming on my lips. Things were looking up for me, big time. I was getting regularly screwed by 2 guys, one gentle and tentative, who always did what I wanted, and another who was a total animal. Who took me any and every which way he wanted. Since dad and I had resumed fucking, he'd became a total beast! Just awesome!
And with mom's blessing. Even better.
You see, in addition to being the manager of our family, mom is also the fixer, the one who knows how to solve every ...