Headstrong Ch. 03
Date: 11/12/2023,
Author: byRykerSterling
... him, and then - oh god, it just kept getting worse - whispered, "I love you, Ted. With all my heart."
I couldn't see Ted's lips when he whispered back, but did see the delight on Sara's face and how she swooned, eyes swimming, even before Ted's penis pushed into her.
John's kiss was really sweet when he dropped me off. So sweet, and so comforting, which was exactly what I needed, that I gave him a quick handy. Right there, at 2:30 in the afternoon in plain daylight, at the curb in front of my house.
You see, what I'd just seen had made me totally sick. In every way. So I made John take me home from the lake, way earlier than we'd planned. I just needed time, to think, to cry, to somehow adjust to the real intimacy I'd seen between Ted and Sara. And John was so sweet, even though I know he was disappointed. So I gave him a treat. Used a tissue and everything, so it wouldn't mess up his swimming trunks.
Though he wanted to talk, asked me over and over what had happened and if I was all right, I said I needed to be alone.
Once inside my room, I covered my face with my pillow and just let go. As I sobbed and moaned, I tried to think. I just couldn't decide how to handle this. It was obviously serious. Sara and Ted were either totally infatuated or actually in love. It certainly explained why he hadn't wanted to fuck me last night. Or, come to think about it, the night before, or the night before that. Either he was totally drained by the big boob bimbo, or ...
... actually had feelings for her.
Either way it had changed how he felt about me.
When I quit sobbing, I took the tear-soaked pillow off my face and tried to find a way forward. My first instinct was to confront him. Tell Ted what I saw and make him apologize. Explain himself. But he'd just equivocate. Lie. Like he lied to me last night about having an upset stomach. About cooling things off with Sara when in reality they were fucking like rabbits.
My heart just ached, felt so wounded, so broken! How could this have happened? Things had been so perfect. Sex was wonderful. We were happy. We were so in love.
I curled up like a hurt child and rocked back and forth on my bed as the waves of pain swept through me. Then a memory flashed in my brain, of the time when I felt so terrible about Ted and mom fucking, and how dad screwing me so massively had helped. How having his penis stretching and stuffing my pussy distracted me. Soothed me.
But that wasn't an option now. He was totally with mom again. Off limits.
But the idea getting fucked, really hard and long, of having a dick reaming my pussy and driving everything else away, was irresistible. Plus, the thought of getting tit-for-tat revenge on Ted felt like a healing balm on an open sore. The one inflicted by my goddam brother!
That quote by Bobby Kennedy floated into my brain. "Don't get mad, get even." I'm sure he actually meant, "Don't get mad when you're boyfriend fucks another girl, fuck some other ...