Meeting Lisa E Part 8 – The Doctor
Date: 11/6/2023, Categories: True Story Blowjob Cheating Consensual Sex Female/Female Group Sex Job/Place-of-work Author: HungHunkwa
... trusted with secrets.” Sandy smiled beautifully and said “I wore these shoes tonight, because I knew I would see you. I’m not hitting on you, you’re the partner of one of my best friends. I just love her. But I wanted you to see some of my personality that I keep very hidden from everyone else.” Sandy crossed her legs, then pulled her dress up exposing very shapely slim dancers’ legs, covered with sexy sheer black stockings. Her feet were tiny and encased in her bright red Italian leather, very sexy stilettos. She looked in my eyes and said “Do you like my extravagant shoes.” I nodded as I knelt down taking one shoe in my hand, and said “Oh Sandy, Yes. I like your sexy red shoes very much. You are a very attractive lady. Why is there no Mr Sandy?” My face was mere inches from her pussy and I felt a primal urge that told me her pheromones were overwhelming my natural polite and reserved manner. Sandy smiled and said “Oh there is, just that its complicated. I hope to make it less complicated soon. Hey what’s that?” Sandy was pointing at a big black box like a wardrobe or perhaps a pay phone box, you see in London. I stood and took Sandy’s hand, helping her out of the chair. We both walked the 3 yards or so to the big black box. The side facing us was plain. The other 3 sides were decorated and there was a door. On the door were the words “Kissing Box”. Sandy was laughing and said “What in gods world is a kissing box?” I said “I have no idea why this ...
... is here, but I saw one of these when I was 16 or 17. My local Church youth group had meetings every Friday night at the church. There was one of these down stairs. They were having a fair on the weekend, and it was one of the fund raisers. Some how a boy and a girl end up inside, and they are supposed to kiss.” Sandy giggled and said “I bet you were very popular with that kissing box.” I smiled and said “I was very young and most of the pretty girls were much older than me. Apparently Kissing Boxes are magic. If you kiss inside, you never tell anyone what happened.” Sandy smiled and said “I still think you would have been popular. My 6 big brothers would not have let me anywhere near that.” Sandy still had my hand and started pulling me towards the box. She said “C’mon let’s go inside!” I said “Wait, its better if it’s dark.” She turned the light off and took my hand leading me into the box. Holding hands, our bodies touched many times as we went into the kissing box. It was very cramped inside, making us turn facing each other. Sandy started squeezing both my biceps. I put my arms around her and she melted into my embrace. Suddenly she was kissing me. Wet soft but urgent kisses. I said “hey what are you doing?” Sandy replied “Shoosh, Kissing Boxes are magic remember. You are allowed to kiss inside, then act like it never happened? This is probably the only time in my life I will experience this. Please make it wonderful.” As Sandy kissed me again, her ...