1. Mystery Fuck

    Date: 10/26/2023, Categories: True Story Extreme, Author: JasonSensation

    ... his entire cock before ramming it back in. Daisy watches the bulge appear and disappear with amazement. His cock ranges from her pussy to her eyebrows. The sensation of being fucked by this massive thing brings her closer to an orgasm.
    Daisy: Oh god, this thing is gonna make me cum!
    Daisy hugs his cock through her skin, causing it to feel tighter. Bronn picks up the pace, slapping his giant balls against the box Daisy is stuck in. His pleasure becomes overwhelming. His cock is ready to erupt. Daisy beats him to the finish line and constricts his cock with an earth-shattering orgasm. Clamping down uncontrollably with all her strength. Bronn explodes in pleasure. Hot, thick ropes of cum shoot out of him like a geyser, lighting her womb on fire. She watches as her stomach inflates under the torrent of cum erupting inside of her. She holds her stomach and feels it inflate like a beach ball. Gallons upon gallons fill her womb, unleashing decades worth of cum and pent-up stress.
    Daisy: Oh fuck, he’s ...
    ... impregnating me. It’s so much cum! My belly is about to burst! It might break this box wide open!
    Bronn, bestowed with the relief of a lifetime, is able to quell his horniness and flops out of Daisy’s pussy. A river of semen exits her and fills the box then leaks out of the hole. He moseys over and drinks from a bucket. He has just lost a lot of fluids. After regaining clear thought, and nothing else to do, he returns to the box. His cock erect. Ready for round two.
    Hours later, Jason returns.
    Jason (thinking): Shit I forgot! I hope she’s alright. Well, one thing’s for sure. Bronn is happy.
    He opens the door and sees Bronn wailing on Daisy’s pussy. Cum soaks the entire floor. Daisy is screaming with pleasure.
    Jason: Heh, guess I could leave you two alone and bring you back to school with me in the morning.
    Jason arrives early and puts the box back in the gymnasium where he found it. Moments later Ruby arrives, and pries open the box.
    Ruby: So, how was it?
    Daisy: Dude, he’s hung like a horse. 