The Best Things Heard During/After Sex
Date: 10/25/2023,
True Story
Oral Sex
Author: Detroit_Rising
What have you heard? Add them in the comments!
These are mine ... The Greatest Things Said To Me During/After Sex...
โ "I can't believe I came," said by a Vancouver woman just after I finished going down on her. I recall that it seemed like it had been a long while since this petite brunette had enjoyed an orgasm not initiated by her own hand.
โ "I knew I'd cum once, but I never thought I'd come twice," said by a Detroit woman 10+ years older than me when we were in the shower together doing the post-sex clean up before we went home to our respective spouses. She was a nurse, and her husband suffered bouts with early-onset dementia. She used me as a temporary bridge to sanity and physical input prior to moving away to be with family in the Southwest.
โ "Move! I gotta pee ... don't be mad, this only happens after I have a really good fucking!" said by a girl in Orlando 20 years younger than me. After a good long pee, she came back out, took my softening cock back into her mouth and cleaned me up properly.
โ "I can feel your pulse!" said by my friend's wife who what stroking me off with one hand while she had three fingers in my ass. She had been working me hard and paused. My butt, swelled from the attention, clamped around her fingers. A huge orgasm of prostate fluid and cum soon followed.
โ "Oh that's dirty," said by a college coed after she jerked me off while massaging my prostate. My cum splattered all over the bed, me, and her chest. To her shock, I ...
... licked some off her nipple. She liked that very much.
โ "Ohhhhh, that's like parting the Red Sea. Nothing's split those wall apart in a long time," said by a woman in Indianapolis. She later told me her husband was physically incapable of sex anymore, and was so happy to have had a real dick in her once again.
โ "Will you lick my ass?" said by a Black model from Las Vegas. My response was, "If you'll lick mine." We had a great time satisfying each other. While her pink hole was great, her brown hole was even better.
โ "Between cumming three times and my meds, I don't know that I'll ever come down," said by a girl who was enjoying life while battling a fatal cancer. It's been my experience that people who know their end is coming enjoy sex more freely, and find temporary relief in the pleasure and closeness sex with a kind soul can bring.
โ "Sometimes you just need a good ass fucking!" said by the wife of a cop (a cop who later found out and threatened to kill me but didn't follow through). This woman gave me my first experience with anal ... and I recall giving her one hell of a pounding.
โ "Damn, you're gonna split me open with that thing," said by a coffee shop girl from Charlotte who I think was a lesbian. This woman, at least 20 years younger than me at the time, was clever and a smart ass. Just to mess with me, once when I was just about to cum, she innocently asked (like we were having a conversation over lunch), "So, how are the wife and kids?" Too damn ...