Her Fall Festival costume
Date: 10/15/2023, Categories: True Story Voyeurism Author: canemont
Her Costume Showed It All Many years ago, when my beautiful wife was much younger, she was a volunteer at the local pre-school. It was the Fall Festival, and all the volunteers were assigned booths for the kids to dunk for apples or find toys and win small prizes. The festival was the school’s version of Trick or Treating without the goblins or scary costumes. It was a last-minute decision by my wife to work one of the game booths. She had planned to just help organize the event. But she could, if needed, step in to assist in the areas that needed an extra hand when the festival got underway. It turned out that they were one person short to staff a game booth, so she took that spot. She really hadn’t taken the time to get a costume ready. When the day of the festival arrived, my wife realized she did not have anything suitable to wear. She is a great seamstress and had previously bought a dress from a thrift store that she planned to re-size and adjust it to fit her body. It was a full-length silk dress. The dress was at least one size too large for her and did not fit her too well. The dress had a wide, low-cut neckline. She did not have anything else to wear, so she pinned it in several places to temporarily work as her costume. It had long sleeves so when she reached for something, the front of the dress would pooch out. I arrived at the festival straight from the office. I walked around and saw all the kids having a nice time. It was early afternoon, and the ...
... weather was perfect. I looked for my wife’s booth and spotted her. I noticed several men gathered around it. They were all very attentive to what was going on. Her booth consisted of a large plastic tub full of little index cards that had paperclips attached to each. The kids would use “fishing poles” that had string with a magnet at the end of the line. They would dip the line into the tub and attempt to catch a card by the metal paper clip. If the child “caught” a card, my wife would reach down and help the child grab the card to see what prize had been won. My wife told me that she had not gotten a real costume ready to wear. So, I had not seen her in that dress prior to my arrival at the event. When I spotted her, she had her hair pulled up on her head and had small flowers mixed in with it. Her costume was like what a Maiden from the old English period would wear, I suppose. She looked more like a hippie than someone from Old England, but it was a stunning outfit. I would soon know more about why it was such an alluring outfit to the men watching her work her booth. There were nearly a dozen men gathered near her station, intently watching her and the kids. As I walked up and got closer to her game, I quickly realized why these men were such attentive spectators. Each time she bent over the tub to grab the card, that a child had “caught” the front of her dress would fall open. The fabric fell away from her chest, and you could see all the way down her front, and past ...