A Cock in the Hand Ch. 09
Date: 10/14/2023,
Cum Swallowing
Group Sex
Non-consensual sex
Author: rimaday
Special thanks to Kenji Sato for helping edit.
Wednesday morning was another typical day. My boss came in for a meeting to nitpick and micromanage every decision of a job, I do far better than he ever did. We met at my main store and the numbers were better than they had been in the eighteen months that he managed it. Not sure if that is what set him off, but things took a big step back with us.
I transferred from Baltimore to Dallas when my husband got promoted to Senior Captain with American Airlines. It was a lateral move for me, but it was best for the family, so we moved. It had been two months, and my new boss previously managed the region I manage now. He was of the mindset that his way of doing everything was the right way. I had gradually been making headway toward getting him out of that mentality.
I thought the review this morning would open the reins even more, but better numbers seemed to push him back into the, his-way-is-the-only-way mentality. We finished the meeting, and I was trying to get him out of the store and back on the road. I would breathe and think of how to deal with it later. I told myself, 'We made progress before, be patient and we'll get it back.'
A text dinged in as I was walking him to the door, trying to keep a happy face. It was a picture of Mark's hard-on. I put my phone in my suit jacket pocket and continued.
"Thanks for stopping by, Phil, I appreciate the feedback. See you next Wednesday?" I asked, as the pic seemed to ...
... be floating in the air, front and center of my mental vision. As I finished the question, I knew it was a mistake.
"No, I'll be back to check on things Friday. We'll keep it three days a week. Thanks for the work. The numbers are up, but given the state of the economy, I think you can do better. We'll keep working it."
When he left, I pulled up the pic and the events of the last two days came crashing back into my mind. I looked at the caption that read, "Swelling's back, Nurse Stilson. Going to need more P.T."
Mark was a guy my husband tried to help out by getting him to do some heavy yard work for us at the new house. He happened to be hung like a horse, good looking and liked to flirt. After months of stress and frustration due to the move, he showed up Monday, unexpectedly, at the house when Wayne was away.
After Mom took the kids for the afternoon, the flirting escalated quickly, and a moment of weakness got the better of me, andGuil I let him bend me over the kitchen table and fuck me like I needed it.
Guilt immediately took hold, and I told him, it was a mistake and a one-time event that could never happen again. Wayne did not deserve that. We mutually agreed on the move, and I let my frustration about the upheaval of our lives turn into resentment towards Wayne. Because of that frustration, I gave in to temptation, with the person my husband was genuinely trying to help.
The situation got much worse when Mark brought me a gift later that evening, to ...