1. Nothing To Lose

    Date: 10/14/2023, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Cruelty Erotica First Time Humiliation Incest Male/Female Non-consensual sex Rape Virginity Author: Eccho

    It’s so much fun teasing James. Ever since we were little, it’s been the perfect pass time. His stupid face, the dumb angry noises, the fact that he’d get redder than a pepper if I was annoying enough, it was just magnificent. And it was always the best back then because my mom would convince his dad that he’s just acting out because I was the favorite. Psychology is a wonder. But while I don’t have that mind fuck for him anymore, it’s still really funny to piss him off. Plus, his friends kinda fill that void because in their minds, I’m just his cute little sister that just wants to hang out with her big brother. Granted, they’re just saying that because they wanna fuck me, but still. I’ll take what I can get.
    Like now. He’s throwing a fit because I “accidentally” put his favorite white hoodie in the dryer too long. But it’s not my fault. The dryer said it’d be done in an hour. And I lost count after thirty minutes and started over. How was I supposed to know?
    “What’s wrong with you?!” he exclaims, “This is my only hoodie!”
    “Well, maybe get some money so you can get another one, ya baby,” I retort, “Or maybe you should get a real job and realize it takes some people more than shaking their asses in front of a camera to get money like some brainless whore!”
    “Jealous much? Don’t be mad at me because I’ve got a gift to share with the world and all you have is…that. Ugh. Not everyone can be lucky enough to be perfect.”
    “You know what? Go fuck yourself. I’m not ...
    ... doing this any more than I need to. I don’t wanna see your stupid face right now. I’m going to Todd’s.”
    “Ooo. Todd? Can I come?”
    “After you eat a cement wrapped elephant dick dipped in acid.”
    I pull out my phone and say,
    “You really want me to call mom and dad again? I doubt they’d be pleased to find out that you’re not making your little sister comfortable at your house.”
    Ah, ol’ reliable, how I adore thee. He doesn’t say anything. Which means that I can go. After all, I didn’t hear a no.
    “Thanks, James,” I say, giving him a big hug, “Give me a sec to go and change, k?”
    I head upstairs to my room to pick out my outfit. Now, which outfit to go for? I mean, all of them are cute, but how cute do I wanna be today? Especially for good ol’ Todd. I’ve gotta make a good impression for my friends.
    This? Nah. The skirt’s not really that attention grabbing. How about this? Oh, hardly. This tank top barely shows anything. Pink pantyhose? Maybe, maybe. Pink and green stripe shirt? Yes, please, and de piece de resistance, black skirt with pink dots. There we go. Now, which perfume?
    “GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE ALREADY!!!” I hear James bellow,
    “Don’t rush me!” I call back, “It takes work to look good! Maybe you should try some time!”
    Now that that’s over, I can focus again. Jeez, so impatient. Ok, “Perfect”? Well, I am, but I need something breath taking. “Eternity”? Good choice, but I think Todd was the one that wasn’t too crazy about it. Hmm, “Idole”? Definitely ...