Mom's New Boyfriend Embarrasses her Part 2
Date: 10/2/2023, Categories: Fiction Anal Authoritarian, BDSM Humiliation Incest Water Sports/Pissing, Author: Alex Mead
Jennifer had broken through her fear and had persevered. yes, it had been humiliating to put on display for her son, the full nudity of her sex. she could only imagine what Nathan was thinking as she let show the most embarrassing and private zones of her body. The thought of anyone seeing her exposed vulva and the humiliation that was her anus. She had always been self-conscious that she had her a butt hole. That was so he much larger and darker than any other woman’s that she had known. I. Jennifer had spent countless hours looking at other women’s private zones online and she never saw him a butt hole that compared to her embarrassing a bull’s-eye. But her relationship with Dr. Stone lifted the weight of her shame and that had always hung heavily around her neck. Her embarrassment held back any hope for pleasure she had ever thought of. She at also being too shy to give into a Roddick in ultimate she would be. So, from Dr. Stone, yes of his teachings, he had removed quite simply the option of chain and have removed the option of choice. Being made to hear her self, in front of her on time was a taboo she never imagined having to confront. But I am add made it there before. She was going to have to let someone see the dark giant bruise of a shooter possess. She could not Hide from her self conscious worry of judgment. It was the twin root of her womanhood. The enter locked, honest display of her Moses, shameful purpose in her most spiritual. There was nothing ...
... more embarrassing than the honest truth of her defecating wrinkled girth. The place from which she released the shame for heavy dumps she had always wished were not her own. But Dr. Stone transformed that place into the root of her new purpose and pleasure. She had to confront that dueling reality. And now forcing her son to confront this, she felt alive with pleasure and proud that she passed, obeyed her orders. There was something ratify that came over her as well, and it was the fade knowledge and rise in rank, where she found her self not only the well taught student, but a woman forced to teach her son, a truth. No matter how uncomfortable. She told all of this and confessed that the experience had left her on the verge of ejaculation or teaming with so much excitement that she needed desperately to pee. “Hold it, then.” Dr. Stone replied curtly, “you are not permitted to loose even one drop of ejaculate. That fluid belongs to me. I’m ordering a full stop to you using the toilet to pee. I want all of it collected and brought in for inspection.” “Understood, Sir.” Jennifer replied “If you understand then you’ll know that this is another thing you cannot hide. This will have to be practice from now on. Get it over with now.” Said Dr. Stone “What do you suggest, sir?” Said Jennifer “What I order, Jennifer period is that you must collect all of your fluids. Since I need to make myself clear. I’ve decided you’re gonna have to put a plug in that piss ...