Moving Forward Together
Date: 9/29/2023,
Author: byWinstonWolf78
... decided to legally change back to her maiden name along with her children. At the time, she didn't know why she had done it, maybe just to not suffer with the thought of using her husband's last name and constantly remembering it. Since that time, they had used the last name of Thompson.
"So, I would be a Stevens. Kenneth Paul Stevens, while you three remained Thompsons," Ken said while letting the name role off his tongue.
Penny stated, "I will start helping you get your name changed back to your father's last name in the coming days. It shouldn't be a hard process, but it will be tedious changing all your credit cards, driver's license, and mail."
Ken nodded. His sisters were a little stunned by the turn of events, but they could see the merits behind their mother's thinking. It was starting to get late when they ended the conversation. Ken suggested they all go to bed and get a fresh start in the morning, to which they all agreed.
They each went to their respective rooms to sleep. Ken was having trouble falling asleep with all the recent developments going through his thoughts. At some point during the night, he finally fell into a deep slumber, clearer about the direction his family was going.
Ken woke up feeling relaxed and very refreshed. He was also wrapped up in two long arms. He could feel a large set of breasts pushing against his back as well. He turned his head to see his youngest sister snuggled up to him. At some point during the night, she must ...
... have slid into his bed without him noticing it, although how she could do that with her immense size was beyond him.
Ken felt secure in her arms. He also felt loved. This is what he wanted in a relationship, and he found it in his family.
Katie felt him stirring and woke up to give her big brother a hug. Ken was pulled further into her grasp, which he didn't think was possible. Katie spoke softly, saying, "good morning big brother. I hope you slept well!"
"You know what, Katie? I slept like a log. It must have been my comfortable bed and blankets since I was so warm and cozy," he joked with her.
Katie squeezed her brother in her arms and said, "are you sure it was just your blankets keeping you warm and cozy?"
"Maybe there was a Gentle Giant in my bed to help keep me warm," Ken smartly said. "By the way, when did you get in my bed? I don't recall waking up feeling you. Also, why are you in my bed?"
Katie smiled at him. "You were dead asleep when I got in your bed. I thought I'd wake you up when I slid next to you and wrapped my arms around you," she squeezed him for emphasis, "but you never awoke. As for what I'm doing here, this is where I belong, Ken. You may not know it, but I belong in your arm... er, well, you belong in my embrace, I guess. I'm sleeping with you every night."
Katie leaned over and kissed Ken on the lips. Ken was happy to reciprocate, and they kissed for a few minutes before Ken got out of bed. He looked back at his GG and laughed a ...