Mildred's Sexual Evolution
Date: 9/29/2023,
Author: byPedalingforlove, Source: Literotica
... slowing down. So, I pulled up next to her and explained how bicyclists could help each other by taking turns leading with the other following closely.
Mildred nodded as I moved to the front and faced the wind. I lasted for maybe 20 minutes before Mildred easily passed me saying, "Thanks for the rest."
I then fell in behind her for another stretch before again assuming the lead. After I had been leading for, again, maybe 20 minutes, I saw a rest area with some roofed-over picnic tables. This seemed like a good place to stop, get out of the sun, and have a few sips of water. I pulled in and Mildred followed, clearly thinking just as I did. We dug out our respective water bottles, took good gulps, and then she turned to me to say, "Thank you so much for everything. From the movie, to teaching me about drafting, to being a great new friend." With that, she wrapped her arms around me in a giant hug.
While appreciating the hug in its own right, I did rub my hand inquisitively up and down her back as I tried to satisfy my perverted curiosity about whether she was wearing a bra. She fairly quickly sensed the reason for my motions and said, "You guessed it, no bra today." This was followed by a lengthy explanation.
"You see, my mother has always been concerned that I not be in any way sexually attractive to men. She thinks men are just animals who only want one thing, sex, and I guess I pretty much believed that until I met you yesterday. So, my mother always insisted ...
... that I wear padded bras so that there was no chance that I would ever arouse one of you animalistic men by revealing a nipple. I left home with my padded bra, but I knew it would be hot today, and the last thing I needed was any extra insulation on my body. So, I ducked into the rest room at the gas station, took it off, and put it in my pack."
After that torrent of information, all I could say is, "I'm glad you don't think I'm 'animalistic' even though I did check you out regarding a bra."
"No problem, in every other way you've proven my mother wrong, and I'm wondering what else I've missed by obeying her edicts up to now." That last comment caused me to wonder as well what she might think she had missed.
With that, we mounted our bikes and continued our battle with the seemingly increasing north wind. Finally, after nearly 20 miles, the highway began to climb into a forest, and the wind was less of an issue. Now it was the grade, but still pretty easily doable. A few miles farther on, it was time to exit the main highway and start a steeper climb up toward the lake. As we climbed, the wind began to feel cooler, and some very dark clouds suddenly covered the sun. Finally, we were where the private roads that accessed the cabins diverged from the public road. By now, there were some distant rumbles of thunder, and I wondered if we could make the final mile before the rain started.
In the end, we actually had the cabin in sight before the rain burst upon us. We pulled ...