1. Fantasy Island Pt. 05

    Date: 9/28/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byDevlinMea

    Fantasy Island - Part 5
    The ship arrived off shore two hours later and a dingy was launched with three men on board to pick us up from the beach. They brought clothes for us. Of course they were uni-sex, one-size-fits-all, but it worked. One of the sailors was a paramedic and looked us over. The worst, he said, was that we were a little malnourished and dehydrated.
    We arrived on the ship an hour later and got checked again by the ship's doctor. He agreed with the paramedic and they gave us food, vitamins, and water.
    We spent a long time together on that boat as it sailed towards Fantasy Island, time to determine what we wanted for our future. And time to figure out how to tell Gabby.
    Two hours later we arrived at Fantasy Island, where the dingy brought us to shore.
    Gabby and several island workers dressed in white shirts and pants were there to greet us as we walk onto land once again. Gabby immediately ran into my arms and kissed me, holding me so tightly I thought she'd break something.
    "Oh my God," she said between kisses. "I can't believe they found you! Are you ok?" She looked at each of us and then released me and ran to hug her mother and sister, crying. "I thought I'd lost you," she sniffled.
    "We're fine... we're all fine," Emmanuelle said, hugging and kissing Gabby's forehead. "Vince took very good care of us."
    After several minutes of hugging and crying, an elderly man in an impeccable white suit and tie joined us. "Please... I want to ...
    ... welcome you all to Fantasy Island," he said and then slightly tilted his head and nodded, "finally. I can only imagine the ordeal you've been through. As the rescue team has told me, it must have been an extremely difficult ordeal. My name is Mr. Roarke and I am your host."
    He came and shook all of our hands, calling us by name, taking our hand into both of his in a warm gesture of greeting. "Gabby has told me that the reason you came to Fantasy Island was to learn how to bond as a family. I hope that even through your ordeal, you were able to do that."
    "Yes," I laughed softly. "We definitely bonded."
    "Indeed," Mr. Roarke said, nodding in agreement. "Indeed... I believe you did."
    I could have sworn there was a glint in his eyes while he said that... as if he knew what we did on the island. But... how could he possibly know?
    "And we are so glad that Vince is a part of our family now," Emmanuelle gushed. "We are so indebted to him. He saved our lives so many times over during the past week."
    "A very fine man indeed. Hats off to you, sir," Mr. Roarke said warmly. "Now, we have closed the island for visitors for a week, so you have the island all to yourselves to enjoy. My staff will see that your every desire is fulfilled. Gabby is already in a bungalow that you two can share. And we have bungalows, one for Emmanuelle and one for Helena." He held the keys in his hands for two bungalows.
    "If it's all the same to you," Emmanuelle said, grabbing one of the keys, "I ...