Space babes 1
Date: 9/26/2023,
Science-Fiction ,
Author: Ekoos007, Source:
This is an update
Aquarius, bitch gets her day.
Chapter 1
The year is 2069. The future is not how most would have imagined it back in 2016. Much has changed; technology not so much. In a way, it has gone a bit backward. Blame the new bosses, the new leaders of the world.
After their struggle, and when repressed groups finally get equal rights, they find it's not enough. No, they want payback. Labeled as previously disadvantaged and their suppressors as previously privileged. New ugly things pop out of their heads to right the wrongs of the past, the wrongs suffered. One of these things (a wolf in sheep's clothes) is good old affirmative action. It starts off with the very best intentions. In the end, the wheel goes round and round, the cycle of human politics (monkey business).
Change always comes. For 2000 years, the masculine age of Pisces had been going well and strong. It has run its course, though, and now she was well out of her blocks; the Age of Aquarius. She, however, was much more aggressive and speedy in this new modern age of a world made small by the technology of the masters of the passing age. The men of old, the men of renown.
The new world was no longer a man's world. They still got most of the blame. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Almost five billion scorned is a lot of scorn. Women crept up, got in close, smiled (a lovely smile), and pulled the trigger. Women now held most positions of power; the West only had women leaders. The ...
... same went for corporate ladders, women on top all the way to the bottom.
Stay-at-home dads were the norm. A married man was not so bad off; he could still vote, but for how long. Get a woman pregnant outside of marriage, good luck to him. He would most likely go to prison for a long time, charged with rape and be castrated. New and more extreme laws were dreamt up all the time, disguised as righting the wrongs of the past. Soon, men (boys) would be vasectomized shortly after puberty. Given the opportunity to deposit some semen to be stored until they were married, to impregnate their wives, or to be sold (if the genes were any good). If some unlucky bastard gave a woman an STD, he could kiss his balls goodbye.
Women no longer got less prize money in sports. Now, for example, women got triple that of men at Wimbledon. Phallic-shaped objects, a thing of the past. Strangely, although no longer frowned upon in any way, gay men started to disappear.
One theory was that women, in fact, subconsciously worked together to turn men gay in the past, threatened by masculine dominance. It started at home with mothers demasculinizing their sons. This seemed far-fetched. The statistics, however, showed that nurture was winning nature in this one. By far, the minority of gay men were, in fact, genetically inclined to become homosexual (genetic studies never found the gay gene). The second most popular theory was that at the height of the man-age, the age of Pisces. The male idea was ...