A Widow's Comfort Ch. 02
Date: 9/24/2023,
Author: byTheGraduate88, Source: Literotica
... slapping her ass.
"What else?" I asked.
"It's time to hang the screens and put the storm windows away," she said.
I groaned.
It was an old house with old-fashioned screen and storm windows. You know, the kind with the latches on top to hang the windows from and the hooks at the bottom to lock them in place. Every spring the storm windows came down and the screens went up. Every fall the screens came down and the storm windows went up.
I realized since it was late May, that it was late in the season. And then I got a little teary-eyed when I realized that Dad's health had probably been failing and he hadn't wanted to call me for help.
"Tell you what," I said, smiling, "I have finals next week, so that will have to wait and then I'll get them done."
She smiled and said, "If that's what you want to do. You're the Man of the House."
"What I'd like," I said, smiling across the table, "is to take the Lady of the House to dinner and have a few drinks, maybe some dancing."
She giggled.
"Are you asking me on a date?" she asked.
"Every couple should have a regular date night," I said, "and Saturday would be a good one."
She actually blushed at that.
"Onecaveat," I said.
"Oh?" she asked.
"I get to pick out what you wear," I said.
"Oh?" she asked again.
"Mom," I said, "you sometimes seem to deliberately dress to look your absolute worst. I'll be proud to have you on my arm. But I don't want you trying to look, well," and I had to think ...
... way back to find the word from about third grade, "frumpy."
She giggled at that.
And I laughed. "I think that word goes back to when I was about eight," I said, "but I think it fits with most of what's in your closet."
She smiled and then said, "I'm flattered and I'll be honored to be your date and yes, Honey, you can pick out what I wear."
"Okay," I said, "And now I'm going to do a bit of studying. If I go to sleep, make sure I'm awake by, oh, say, 5:00. I'll shower and look good for Date Night."
She giggled again and said, "I will."
So I went up to the little desk I had used since about the time I learned the word "frump." Dad built it and before I reached an age where I used it for homework I used it to build the model airplanes and then the model cars I had always liked.
I gave myself a few seconds to feel nostalgic and miss him, and then opened my laptop, and set to putting the finishing touches on a paper I was writing for myBusiness Economics class. The paper was on the "price elasticity of demand" if you care although why anyone not taking that class would care is kind of beyond me.
So I plugged away, figuring changes in demand, and changes in price, converting them to percentage expressions and reducing them to a formula until I got sleepy and then just laid back for my afternoon nap.
Yeah, I'm one of those guys and like my nap.
I woke to one of my favorite sensations in the world - my back was being tickled.
"I'll give ...