An Arm And A Leg
Date: 9/19/2023,
Bondage and restriction
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Non-consensual sex
Author: Eccho
“Mathilde!” Dany bellows from his bed. Mathilde sighs before putting down her book and making her way to his room.
“Whaaat?” she answers,
“I’m thirsty. Could you make me some juice?” She groans and goes downstairs and pours him a cup.
While it annoys her that he’s being such a baby, she can’t help but to feel that she deserves it. She was the one driving the car and wasn’t paying attention to the road because she was too enthralled in her phone call. She didn’t see the douchebag hauling towards them, completely wrecking them on the passenger side. She had light cuts and scratches, but Dany suffered the most. His limbs were badly injured and he suffered major blood loss, threatening his life. Luckily he was able to recover, but he won’t be able to use his limbs for at least two months. So he’s been living with her ever since. And it’s been the longest week of Mathilde’s life.
He wasn’t one who properly takes care of himself. He doesn’t shower regularly, so he carries around an aura of excruciatingly severe body odor, he isn’t an active being, so he has a few pounds on him, which would make you wonder the difference between pre accident and post accident, and he’s a bit of a spoiled bastard. He’s twenty-three years old and refuses to get a place of his own and relies on their parents for everything ranging from finance to living conditions. And she was supposed to be the youngest. But she accomplished more at eighteen than he ever even considered.
She puts the ...
... juice back and goes back upstairs to give it to him. He takes it and smiles, saying,
“Thanks, sis. Oh, and I almost forgot. It’s 2:30.”
‘Fuuuuck!’ Mathilde thought to herself.
Seeing as Dany is unable to use his arms and legs, that means she’s going to have to bathe him. Which she partly didn’t mind because that means he won’t be smelling like a bag of rotting squirrel ass, but it almost doesn’t make it worth it because he always manages to smell worse and worse every time. It also doesn’t help that taking him to the bathroom is a bitch and a half in itself. She developed a method that’s consistent, but it isn’t really that nice.
She takes a pile of towels and sets them beside his bed. She then pulls the cover he’s laying on towards the covers, being careful not to turn him, and plops him on the pile, cushioning the fall. She pulls the blankets towards the bathroom, periodically stopping to catch her breath and crack her back.
When they make it to the bathroom, Mathilde starts the water, waiting for it to warm up. Once it does, she plugs the tub and begins undressing Dany. Afterwards, she stops the water and adds the soap, lathering it with the rag. She then places it on his chest, circling it, spacing out with each circle, trying to get this over and done with. She gets most of him cleaned except for his pelvic region. She takes a deep breath and starts at his abdomen, getting into his crevices. She then moves to his inner thighs, questioning her life choices as ...