1. Motherfucker: Part 3

    Date: 9/16/2023, Categories: Fiction Anal Ass to pussy, Bestiality, Bi-sexual Cuckold, Domination/submission Female/Female Incest Male / Older Female, Masturbation Older Male / Female, Plumper, Pregnant, Rape Water Sports/Pissing, Wife Author: rat_race

    ... course, Dad and I would always end up fucking anytime that I would go over to his house to visit him--something which Sam never did find out about--thank God! But that doesn't mean that there weren't some close calls here and there.
    "One time, Sam and I went over to Dad's house to help him with putting a new coat of paint on the exterior trim of his house.
    "At one point, I stopped painting, and I went inside the house to go to the restroom. And while I was sitting on the toilet, peeing, Dad softly knocked on the bathroom door, and whispered to me through the door, begging me to do a quickie with him. I hadn't seen my father in several weeks, and so I was feeling pretty horny to have his dick--and especially his watery old-man's sperm--back inside my pussy again.
    "So I opened the bathroom door, and Dad stepped into the small bathroom with me, and we had a doggie-style quickie together, just like you and I did in the bathroom at Wendy's the other day. Needless to say, it felt really strange to me to have my Dad's freshly-ejaculated sperm in my vagina when I went back outside to continue helping Dad and Sam with the house painting.
    "Things got even more awkward when Sam wanted to have sex with me as soon as we had gotten back to our apartment from painting Dad's house trim. I didn't have time to clean up my pussy first, but I knew that if I refused Sam's 'request,' he'd probably just go ahead and rape me anyway, and assuming that that was what I was wanting him to ...
    ... do.
    "And to make matters even worse, Sam decided he was going to eat my pussy to get me in the mood. Before I could stop him, he dove head-first into my muff, and then pulled back a little bit, before he told me that my pussy smelled like sperm.
    "I did the only thing I could really do in that situation. I laughed it off, and I explained to Sam the he and I fuck so much that my pussy just stays smelling like that, no matter how much I wash it on the outside.
    "And Sam bought my explanation hook, line, and sinker. He went ahead and fucked my creampied pussy without ever giving it a second thought.
    "And that's how I found out that I could let my father fuck me, and then later that same day safely let Sam fuck me, because Dad's sperm was nearly-transparent and very watery-looking (it looked pretty much the same way that Sam's pre-cum looked), instead of being thick and whitish colored like Sam's sperm was. And so even if Sam did notice the excess wetness of my pussy, he would simply assume that it was my own wetness, because you know how wet I can get when I get excited enough."
    "Lake Janie!" I remarked, and we both laughed pretty hard.
    "Yes, that's right. Lake Janie. Anyway, lies have a way of backfiring on the person who tells them, and mine certainly did. You see, long after Ben and Dotty had both come and gone, and Sam and I were involving other people in our 'cuckolding experimentations,' one day Sam comes up to me and says to me, 'I want you to show me how ...