1. The Rambler part 2b

    Date: 11/16/2017, Categories: Taboo Author: rgough

    ... set, though Mom seemed enthralled. I couldn't match her teasing all week with the long, form covering coat she was wearing. Why couldn't she have worn a thin, loosely knit yet figure-hugging sweater like Tim's mom was sporting, the kind of thing she so often favored, the kind of thing a quick glance in the backseat confirmed allowed easy access for an exploring hand. That lucky bastard. "Mom?" "Mom?" "Shhhhhh." I touched her shoulder, lightly pinching the material of her coat. "Aren't you hot?" "Hmmmm? ... oh, yes, now that you mention it." Mom's elbow pulled back so her hand could start fiddling with her belt but she soon stopped, becoming engrossed in a scary scene on the big screen. I slipped my hand forward and rested it on Moms arm, by her waist. "Would you like me to do it?" Nothing. Mom stared at the screen. "Mom?" She nodded absently, pulling her elbow back to let my hand slide around to the front. Gently, I worked the buckle loose and pulled the belt out, then began slowly undoing the large buttons, trying not to disturb Mom. When the last button was undone, I carefully pulled the coat apart to loosen it on her shoulders, then tugged it away bit by bit, with Mom adjusting her weight to help. It took a long time but I finally managed to slip the sleeve off Mom's right arm and peel the coat away, laying it on the seat between us. I reached around Mom's front to tug the sleeve down her left arm, pinched between Mom's side and the seat cushion. Though more awkward, Mom ...
    ... shifted her weight to accommodate my effort, never taking her eyes from the screen. I was acutely aware of each time my forearm brushed across the front of Mom's breasts, covered by the familiar soft sweater. Finally it was done and I reached behind her to pull the coat from underneath. "Fold it please," Mom said, "so I can use it as a pillow." Dutifully, I folded the coat in half three times and placed the wadded bundle under Mom's head and watched as she shifted herself around to get comfortable, turning her back more to the seat than squarely toward me. I could now see her face more easily and I took time to enjoy the slight creases on either side of her mouth that she hated so much, a growing mark of her maturity. I let my eyes wander lower then, over the pale orange, loose knit sweater that covered her pert breasts that were, it was true, also showing their maturity by lying flatter on her chest and hanging lower, closer to her tummy, than I'm sure they once did. But I bet those nipples never stood so proud and firm, thrusting strongly into the sweater that encased them so inadequately without the added support of a bra. Mom was still watching the movie but with her face only turned party away from me I'm sure she was aware of where I was looking. I had the distinct feeling that she was purposely looking away so I could take my time to enjoy her body, to savor it after my long wait. Had she covered up and made me wait just to make it taste sweeter in the end. My optimism ...