MOM and I have a SECRET
Date: 11/13/2017, Categories: Fetish, First Time Taboo Author: funnsun2
... earlier liked it. I put my fingers in my mouth and licked them clean. It was not bad actually and a little salty and sweet at the same time. I fell asl**p and the next morning, got up and went into the kitchen. There at the table was Marla and mom, sipping coffee. I got some cereal and sat down near them, thinking about how I would like to fuck Marla myself one day! About 5 minutes later, mom said she was going to the grocery store and that Marla was going to be spending a couple of days at our house while her place was being painted. I thought it would be great and I secretly hoped I would see more stuff over that time. Mom then left the house and Marla was sitting there, wearing just a bathrobe, barefoot and the top was slightly open and I could almost see the tops of her nipples. Everytime I looked at her, I could only think of what she had done the night before. She excused herself and told me she was going to take a shower but she asked me if everything was alright, she said I was really quiet this morning. Me being a stupid dumb ass decided to tell her that I had seen them through the window having sex and that I was just curious about it. I also told her please not to tell my parents anything but know what she did? The dumb bitch immediately called my mom on the cell phone. I was freaking out and in my stupidity, had fucked up big time! Mom came home without even going to the store and when she walked in the house, I knew shit was going to hit the fan! Mom told me to ...
... sit down and she and Marla started questioning me about what I had seen. I spilled the beans too and told them in more than enough detail of what I witnessed. Marla kinda laughed and mom told her it wasn't funny at all. She explained to me that she and dad are "swingers" and that they enjoy sex with others. Marla said the same thing and I just sat there trying to understand. Mom told me they would be right back and the two of them left the room for about 10 minutes. When mom came back, she told me to never tell my dad about what I had seen EVER! I agreed and that was that. Mom then left for the store and Marla and I were in the house alone now. Marla told me that it was ok and that when I got older, I would understand everything much more! About two weeks passsed and nothing was said about 'the incident" and I just figured everytime I went away for a night, they were fucking someone..LOL. Dad was out of town on business and mom went to grandma's house one weekend and I was going to stay at the house alone for two days. It was my first time being alone that long but I figured that my parents were probably going to be fucking some people somewhere, but by now, I was cool with it. That first night, it was around 8 p.m. and Marla called on the phone and told me that she needed to pick up something she had left at our house. I told her I'd be here all night and she arrived about a half hour later. She was wearing some cut -off jeans and a tight t-shirt that was making her nipples ...