1. "I won't give you blowjob"

    Date: 11/7/2017, Categories: First Time Mature Taboo Author: Screenplays

    MIAMI BEACH 18TH JUNE One of the hottest summers,if someone was on the beach he would be in shade or in water but never on Sun. Michael,tall 5 feet 9 inches with little longer black hair and dark brown eyes finished swimming,got towel and few other thing and leave the beach while his sweat was dropping everywhere,temperature was over 40 degree celsius. He passed 4 blocks and enter the building where he took the elevator to 6th floor and got in the apartment. There he found Silvana,41 year old women with black-blonde hair, 5 feet 8 inches,she was talking on phone with her friend and drinking cold water,she was friend of Michael's mother but in Michael's eyes she was MILF. He always wanted to bark at her &#034I wan't sex with you&#034,but he never found courage for that (who can have it?) so he was always passing fast beside her. They were alone. Michael yelled that he is home so Silvana looked him with smile for a second and winked to him then she continued her phone talk. MICHAEL (Leaving his things and sitting in front of her on sofa) Hey,when did you shoved up? SILVANA (turning off her phone) An hour ago,your mother left to buy something for TV on the other side of town so she won't be back for at least 4 hours. Silvana had white t-shirt,short trousers and gym shoes. MICHAEl You will sl**p again here? SILVANA Yes but only for tonight tomorrow i leave for New York. So,how is college going? MICHAEL Im not on college yet,thinking going next autumn but still don't know ...
    ... SILVANA (Lighting up cigarette) Well go,maybe you will find another girlfriend there. MICHAEL (Little smiling) Another?,hahaha,i never had any? SILVANA (Confused) What do you mean &#034You never had any&#034? Wan't to tell me you never had sex before,boy like you,you want me to slap you for lies? MICHAEL (Has wierd and funny feeling) Umm.....ok,....HOW CAN YOU ASK ME THAT? Hhahaha SILVANA Please Michael,i know you since you were baby,we can talk about that,it's normal and don't laugh at that like k**,in life you will talk about sex with plenty more women. MICHAEL (Feeling excited) Can....we talk about sex? SILVANA Sure,what interest you? MICHAEL (Scared and exited) Aye....uh..... While Michael was trying to say something his heart was pulsing faster,his manhood erected to maximum and he got strange feeling in stomach,his mouth left opened. SILVANA (Smoking and waiting,after 30 seconds she breaks the silence) Uff dear Michael,what are we going to do with you?.....(she turns her cigarette off).....on one side really shame on you,i understand years and hormones but still shame on you,i can be mother to you and you think about me in that way. MICHAEL (Really confused) I...i'm sorry,what? SILVANA (Strict but not angry) You wan't sex with me. Michael tried to to say something immediately in defense but Silvana spoke again. SILVANA Please just say it Michael,i know you,i have experience with men and i know how are they act when sex is in their head,you were always shy in my presence,so ...