Brenda the bondage toy
Date: 11/4/2017,
True Story
Bondage and restriction
Consensual Sex
Foot or shoe fetish,
Author: toobigfortx
This all started back in high school after we had both turned 18; I was talking to this girl named Brenda (which is a name I’m using to protect the real person). We had been on and off for I don't know about a year maybe like only 10 months anyways the reason we were always yes, no, and fighting was because she wanted bondage and I had never tried it before. One weekend her parents were gone to a wedding for the whole weekend and I was supposed to be at the beach with a friend. I went over and we messed around a bit and have normal sex nothing really big happens. Then she starts pulling out all these things (at the time I had no idea what the hell they were) I said, “Seriously what are u doing”? She breathes out saying “I want u to do something for me! We’re going to do some bondage stuff” Immediately I said “No, I already told you don’t want to do that.” Anyways, a huge fight takes place and we don’t talk for the next 3 years (during those years I met a girl that I fell in love with and she taught me all about bondage the “ABC's” and super advanced stuff too like blades: how to cut without hurting them, proper choking without bruising, How to make whips feel good, fisting, and my favorite how to make a girl multiple orgasm till she passes out.) One day I run into Brenda and she now has two kids and was like hey how have u been (keep in mind she still looks so dam cute) I say “I’m doing fine and how are you? You look good even after two kids.” She's like “yeah! All my money ...
... goes to them for food.” We laughed and exchanged numbers. We went out that night and picked up where we last left off at. The next night I went over. It was just her and me (her kids we with her mom) we had a glass of wine, hung out watched like half a movie, because about half an hour into it, she started to rub her leg on mine. Then she gave me "the look". It’s the same look I that she used to give me every time she wanted sex. We started getting into it and to my surprise she was super tight, yes even after two kids, we're there doing it for like 20 minutes more. Then she gives me the look like I hope u don’t get mad and she says “wait right here”, she goes into another room and brings back this huge box full to the top with bondage toys and other goodies. “I hope you don’t get mad but this is my thing, I can’t have good sex without bondage”. She says with a look of shame and embarrassment. I was like its cool (hiding the fact that I know what every toy in there was used for) I Whisper in her ear “Lie down and relax baby, I’ll take care of everything.” The first thing I did was a little bit of foot fetish play, I rubbed her feet, kissed them, licked her between her toes, and then sucked each one of them. She moaned loudly and said “I’ve never had this done to me, please……Please don’t ever stop!” After a bit, I put some clamps on around her wide dark areola's in a circle and three clamps on each one of her labia’s. I connected a chain from one clamp to the other. After that, ...