1. Dear Diary part 2 - Tracy's First Time

    Date: 11/4/2017, Categories: Fiction First Time Incest Male/Teen Female Masturbation Teen Young Author: DaSpark

    ... harder and I was pushed to far up that my head had to bend to the side to allow my pussy to move a little further and not take the brunt of his power. That time Daddy's eyebrows went up and his eyes unclenched though they stayed shut. the tendons on his neck were all popping out and his teeth were clenched and he kind went, "Uuuu-uh-uh-uh-uh-unnckkk!" "Holy shit Daddy, are you shooting that white stuff in me?!?!?!?!" I was panicked because I remembered sex ed and that is how you get pregnant, you know. Well for some reason this seemed to turn Daddy on because he screamed out "FUCK BABY!" and thrust hard, and not just with his hips but his legs and the spot between my shoulder and head was jammed so hard into the armchair I got a kink in my neck." That's when I remembered something Diary. . . "Hey, I remember the week after your Mom died. You had a kink in your neck! Wait, you couldn't walk right either!" "Ha, ha. Yep. Well after the third pump Daddy hit his peak and his hips jolted up and his cock went super hard and it lifted my butt and lower back off the sofa and I went up on my head to balance while I heard Daddy make sounds like old people do when they die in the movies, so I guess cumming make guys die a little each time. Daddy relaxed and flexed one final time, this time I was lifted clear off my shoulder blades while Daddy's fire hose dick. emptied the last of what he had into me and I fell back to the sofa. Daddy stayed in me for a minute or two and I could hear ...
    ... him panting. I was too spent to open my eyes. 'That was when Daddy's penis mercifully started to shrink a little and he pulled it out. I felt glob after glob of thick liquid leaking out of me for the next two minutes, as Daddy had left a lot of it inside of me. Daddy passed out sitting up and I curled up where I was and fell asleep. I woke up the next morning in my bed naked and to the smell of Daddy cooking breakfast. I was so raw after that we had to wait almost two weeks to go again. Daddy asked every day if it was ok yet, he couldn't hardly wait. But it did get better as my body worked to accept him." I finally stopped playing with myself at that point Diary. My legs felt completely numb. "Tracy, I am so jealous. I wish I could be loved by that huge penis. You sounded like you were the happiest woman in the world." "Well, you couldn't possibly take Daddy as a virgin, but here try this when you get home." Tracy opened the night table and pulled out a big peach colored rubbed dildo. "Masturbate with this until you can take it all without trouble. Then I will give you the big one." "Jesus Tracy, this isn't the big one?" I gasped holding it, my fingers not reaching all the way around. "Nope, that is about half Daddy. . . . This . . . . this is Daddy!" Tracy said with a smile holding up a huge black dildo. It looked like it was a foot long and 8 inches around. Well Diary, there you have it. It was quite the night over at Tracy's. Before I left this morning she promised me if I ...