1. You want me to do WHAT to your mother?

    Date: 11/3/2017, Categories: True Story Consensual Sex Incest Male / Older Female, Mature Oral Sex Author: oldnerd

    This is a mostly true account of my MIL needing some TLC. This is a story with a plot, not a collection of porno words.Please rate it as such. However, if that's what you are after, scroll down to about 2/3 of the story. Let’s start by defining who we are. I‘m not religious, as in going to worship often (almost never now), but align myself with a religion, however, in name only. My parents were very religious to the point of ad-nausium. During my growing up years, religion was crammed down my throat to the point of turning me off toward it. However, I still believe in God…. It’s His fan clubs I have a problem with. My wife came from an even more religious family. Two of her uncles are clergy. Her Father and Mother were active church goers, and active in its programs. She also was getting turned off toward religion, but kept her alliance with the parent’s faith. Just not near as participatory. However, we all had respect for each others viewpoint. I think wife married me to be rebellious, as was I. Her parents, I called them Dad and Mom (per their request), were very prudish. Mom once wore a skirt in public which was about an inch above the kneecap and Dad kept saying “it’s too dam short”. Never, ever, have any display of affection in public, or private, that I saw. Women were not allowed to initiate sex. Or, even discuss it, even in private. In fact, there was a sub group of their religion in the Midwest which banned public dancing of married couples. (Give me a break…..) In ...
    ... both of our religions, women were considered to be the man’s property, especially in the “old country”. If you look at some of the transit manifests on the boats from Europe in the early 1900s, it will state “Joe Smith and wife, 2 children” without even mentioning their names. I got the feeling from the way the women behave when others are around them that the man is the more religious one and the women go along with it, for that’s what’s expected of hem, and that what keeps the home together. Let the man be the man, and all that. Also, there are no women ministers in their religion. We had our problems with both sets of parents, as we were not from the same religion. After a while both parents finally conceded that we were going to marry with or without their approval, and threw us a small wedding. Dad went off to WWII a year after high school. After returning, He married Mom, who had just graduated high school. So Dad was older than Mom by 5 years. Mom was a “housewife” and did not work outside the house, except to help out at church. She was the proverbial “Suzy homemaker” as seen in the TV commercials of the 60s… You know, cleaning the house in a full dress and heels. Dad was clearly the breadwinner, and fully in charge, and mom liked it that way, (or so it seemed) as that’s how they both were raised. The women were not allowed to have outside jobs. Their job was to take care of the home and raise the children. And if on a farm, she had additional chores, but this was a ...