Hannah's Hot Tub - Part 1
Date: 11/1/2017,
Author: JennyGently
... involuntary protest as if trying to keep my fingers in place, but the erotic magic of the previous few minutes was broken. “Oh my God!” I croaked, half paralysed by the shock of what had happened – and what might have happened. “Just finishing our drinks Debs!” I called up unconvincingly to the face at the window. Hannah’s body was still trembling, though whether this was the aftermath of her orgasm or fear of being discovered by her mother I couldn’t tell. “Well don’t be too long,” Debbie called in a stage whisper, “it’s lonely up here!” The sexual innuendo was obvious. In other circumstances it would have been embarrassing both to me and to Hannah but our mutual guilt prevented any such feelings. “Saved by the bell!” my stepdaughter whispered ambiguously in my ear. Hannah carefully, almost reluctantly removed her leg from my lap and, standing and turning slowly began to get out of the tub. I watched as she pulled her swim suit down over her partly exposed pudenda and wriggled until the elastic lay where it should have been before stepping onto the bench and out of the not water, which cascaded steamily from her lithe body. She stepped onto the cold wooden decking and pulled a bathrobe around herself. I followed a little behind her, shivering. “You go on up to bed!” I said, unable to look her in the eye. “I’ll clear up here.” “I could help,” she protested. “I’ll do it on my own!” I snapped then immediately regretted it. “Sorry Princess. I didn’t mean to shout.” “It’s ...
... ok... Daddy,” she replied. I was amazed. Hannah almost never called me Daddy. She crossed to the doorway and turned. I raised my head, still barely able to look at her. “I mean it’s ALL ok, ALL of it, understand?” she said, looking me straight in the eye. And with that she blew me a kiss and skipped upstairs. Drying myself as best I could with Debbie’s damp cast off towel, I pulled on my own robe and gathered all the used glasses and bottles from the garden and into the kitchen. I left our three champagne glasses beside the kitchen sink and, locking the back door, joined my wife in our big double bed. Debbie was fast asleep, as expected. I listened to her breathing as I lay awake for what seemed like hours, racked by feelings of guilt at my behaviour, shocked that Hannah had let me do it and apparently enjoyed it, terrified at what had nearly happened and what might still happen if Debbie found out. *** I didn’t sleep at all well that night, or the next few nights, plagued with feelings of guilt, bafflement at what I had done and with a terrible dread that Hannah had in some way ‘set me up’ as one of her terrible games. Every night when I came home from work I half expected Debbie to be there waiting for me armed with accusations, Hannah behind her with that evil triumphant grin on her face. However, after nearly two weeks without the sky coming down around my shoulders, I began to accept that Hannah really did think it had all been ok and I gradually began to relax a little. ...