Jen's Bad Day at Work
Date: 10/30/2017,
True Story
Author: firzepls
Before she had gone off for the day, earlier that morning, Jen had dressed in a gray business suit. Her long brown hair flowed behind her, tied neatly in a white scrunchy. She had a white blouse underneath, formal enough for the office, but still sheer enough to imagine her tiny, soft breasts begging to be freed from captivity. Underneath, she had a pretty white bra and panties, sexy but still a little conservative. What I love most about Jen is that really, except for formal settings like work, she often doesn’t need a bra. To be honest, Jen was a little “small” in the chest area, but that’s just what I like. Jen brought a small briefcase with her, with a pad and some pens, and her i-phone, as well as some breath mints. She didn’t really know what she’d need yet, since she wasn’t totally settled in, but she wanted to look professional, and the briefcase made her feel like she belonged. All day at work, since her boss was still getting used to having a new employee in the office, Mr. James, Jen’s boss, gave her menial tasks. It was difficult to re-delegate the responsibilities, with a new person in the office. Jen was OK with that for the first 2 or 3 days, but it had been 2 weeks now, and although she was being paid well, Jen was bored and frustrated. During lunchtime, Jen even contemplated how this might not be the wrong job for her. She was sad that she hadn’t made many new friends at work. Everyone still looked at her with that “new girl” look, as if she couldn’t be ...
... trusted. Although Matt often worked late, he had an early meeting that day, and thus, would be home early in the afternoon, before Jen, for the first time in quite a while. Having sensed Jen’s level of stress lately, Matt planned to make dinner for her. He just knew she would not want to go out again and be around people after the stress of work. Sure enough, at 5:45 p.m. just about 40 minutes after she had left work, Jen stomped through the door, going straight to the bedroom. Matt knew there must be a problem. He gave her a few minutes to be by herself, and just as he was about to go into the bedroom to comfort Jen, out she walked. Only now, she had shed her business suit, and was clad in just her bra and panties. As a bit of background, Jen loved to walk around the apartment naked when she was stressed, and today certainly qualified. Somehow, the cool air on her beautiful naked body calmed her, only outmatched by Matt’s soft hands caressing her sexy body. Matt tried to act as if nothing was wrong, but it was impossible. Jen’s long brown hair flowed behind her, and her small breasts and soft skin glistened in the light of the sunset that was coming through the windows behind them. The blinds were open, but Matt and Jen had a little of a voyeuristic side, and they loved for the world to know that 2 beautiful people were having sex. Matt disappeared into the kitchen, and turned off the stove. He was starving, but he was certain Jen would make a tasty appetizer. Jen walked slowly ...