1. My friend Caroline turned out to be a horse cock sucker and I fucked her pussy with a bottle

    Date: 10/26/2017, Categories: True Story Bestiality, Cum Swallowing Female/Female Lesbian Teen Water Sports/Pissing, Written by women Author: AnnaSiciliana

    ... further. Next up was her. "Well," I said, "and who are you in love with?" She instantly turned bright red and looked around, not saying anything. "So?" I asked again, "it's only fair you tell me." She nodded, and looked down. "Well," she whispered. "But you can't tell anyone, okay? It's a secret!" I swore I wouldn't tell anyone and that secrets between friends are secrets forever. She smiled finally and said "well, I love Sprinter the most." Sprinter, however, was her horse. I raised my eyebrows and looked at her, not quite understanding. "Yeah, but I mean, you know, who'd you want to kiss and such." She nodded. "Sprinter," was all she said. I was speechless for a moment and so we continued the game, but in the back of my mind I started to wonder what was going on with my friend. I came up a few times in a row. "Have you ever had sex?" - "Yes." "Who did you sleep with?" she asked. I blushed and decided only to tell her one of my sexual encounters, the least embarassing one. "Well," I said. "With Marisa." At the time, Mari had moved far enough away that she didn't have any contact with anyone at my school anymore, so just in case it came out, she was safe. "Marisa!" she said loud and clapped her hands, laughing. "Eww, wow! How?" I shook my head and said: "One question only." She spun again, and I came up once more. "So, how?" she asked. I sighed. "Well, we used our fingers," I said cautiously. "Oh, inside your puss?" she asked. "One question..." I started saying. "But it's ...
    ... part of the same question!" she interrupted me. "You haven't really said how!" I shrugged. "Alright, yeah. Inside my pussy." She started moving from side so side, getting either uneasy or turned on, and the memory of Marisa's pussy made me feel all hot and sticky. I spun, and the bottle pointed at her. "Okay now," I said, smiling. "How do you love Sprinter?" She swallowed hard, and smiled uneasily. "Well, like, he's my boyfriend. For life." I looked at her. "And how..." She spun before I could continue, but came up again. "So, how do you have sex?" I asked. She got even more red, and mumbled. "This is a silly game, I don't want to play anymore." "Hey," I answered. "Those were the rules. And I'm just asking because I don't think he can have sex with you." She looked at me upset. "But he can!" she protested. "Okay..." I stretched the word. "So, how?" She pulled up her legs in front of her and started rocking slowly. "I'll show you," she said quietly, "if you promise not to tell anybody!" I smiled, but nodded in agreement. "Okay," I said. "And you'll have to show me how you did it with Marisa!" she added. I was reluctant, but by then curiousity got the better of me, and so I agreed to that as well. We picked up the lamp and moved over to Sprinter's box. He was calm and quiet, just standing inside. Caroline opened the door and pulled me inside, placing the lamp on the ground. "You have to stand aside and keep away from his legs," she said. "He can hurt you when he's too excited." I ...