1. Mr. Venchenzo(Edited)

    Date: 10/21/2017, Categories: Fiction Anal Blowjob Cum Swallowing Gay Humiliation Rape Author: BurningRoseofPassion132

    ... wondered “A glass? But what for?” When Vic 44 eagerly handed him one, he pulled out and caught his cum in the glass that flowed out of Dave’s gaping hole, he could feel a cold wind blow up his hole and shivered. When the glass was full he walked in front of him and Vic 44 said snidely "I hope you’re hungry Piglet!” Then he chuckled. Mr. Venchenzo looked down at him but Dave wasn’t looking at him he was looking at the cum in the glass, it was a pint, full to the brim! “How much did he cum?” with his slightly yellow cum, “Gross way is his cum yellow is he sick? Wait, he just came in me will I get sick now!?” Dave wondered then he smelt it and it smelt rank, it smelt sour like old sweat and strong musk and like gone off porridge, it had the same consistency as porridge to, it had big lumps in it. Venchenzo leered at him "People often complain about the taste of my cum they say it’s like horse cum and piss. You see, I have an infection in my urethra that causes me to Produces more pre-cum and puss and a couple other things in there too and I take pleasure watching my boys drink it. “Dave retched because of the smell although, the thought of drinking it was beyond disgusting but there was nothing he could do. Mr. Venchenzo put the glass to my lips but Dave didn’t open, so Mr. Venchenzo forced his fingers into his jaw to open his mouth so Dave had no choice but to open. Dave inhaled because of the pain and got an even stronger smell of the now warm rotten cum. Mr. Venchenzo ...
    ... tipped the glass and a bit of his cum splashed into his mouth. Dave gagged at the taste choking on it before he swallowed what was in his mouth to make it go faster, it tasted worse than it looked it was slimy going down it had a slightly meaty taste to it, Dave kept gagging and some of it came out his nose making it hard to breathe, it coated his mouth and throat and still he drank it having no choice, when he had finished half the glass he panted for air then burped loudly, wanting to be sick but afraid to just in case he'll make him drink it again. "Come on my boy, your nearly there my cum will start tasting nice soon, 'cause it's going to be your main diet from now on" He opened Dave’s mouth again and Mr. Venchenzo tipped the glass so Dave had no choice but to drank entirely. Mr. Venchenzo laughed even harder. "That's better than most, they normally don’t even get half down before their sick, but trust me boy by the end of tonight you'll be puking more than cum up tonight. Now I want a blow job, don’t worry it’s straight from the tap.” Mr. Venchenzo said with a Dark sexy grin. Mr. Venchenzo stepped up to Dave and turned him over so he was lying on his back, Dave was a bit confused but then Mr. Venchenzo walked around to where he was standing moments before and pulled him so his head hung off the side of the desk. The man then spoke to him in a stern voice "You ready for a 11 inch by 8.5 inch cock down your throat" Since the question was mostly rhetorical Dave said what he ...