1. Aunt in Bikini

    Date: 10/20/2017, Categories: Taboo Author: uselessslave1888

    ... "Yes?" I replied, the word a croak. "Come on, Carl. I think you know what's wrong." I shook my head, wishing I was anywhere other than that sofa. "You've been round here a lot lately," said my aunt, her voice still low. "And I ... I think..." Jean hesitated, muttering a curse under her breath. She sighed and I saw her shake her head through the periphery of my vision. "Have you developed a bit of a crush on me, Carl?" There it was. The question. The accusation. Miserable, I nodded and then swigged beer. To my surprise the can came away empty. I hung my head, ashamed that Jean had divined my interest -- which was hardly surprising since I must have made it plainly obvious: nineteen years old, always visiting my sexy aunt, gawping at her... Jean must have been able to read me like a book. The thoughts in my head might as well have been banner headlines. "Have you?" she persisted. "Tell me, Carl." "I can't help it, Aunt Jean," I whined, finally looking into her face. I saw kindness and understanding there, and my aunt's lack of anger and condemnation unblocked the flow of words. "I didn't mean for it to happen. I just saw you in the garden, back in the summer. You were in your pink bikini and you looked so ... so..." Jean leaned back, the action causing her skirt to ride higher on her legs, a phenomenon not lost on me despite my anxious babbling and the need for Jean to understand. "All right, Carl," my aunt said, her voice a balm. "Calm down. It isn't the end of the world. ...
    ... These things do happen you know. You're a young man, full of life and hormones. You just saw something in me that triggered a ... response." "But you're not angry at me?" I asked. Jean chuckled and shook her head. She rested her elbow on the arm of the sofa, a forefinger lightly placed against her cheek. She grinned at me, the whole pose and look unintentionally provocative. "No," my aunt said while my eyes flicked to where her breasts were outlined against her blouse. My attention then moved to the expanse of thigh before returning to Jean's face. "I'm not angry. But I think we need to clear the air, Carl. You need to stop whatever it is you're doing. Get a girlfriend, a proper girlfriend. Focus your ... erm ... attention on a girl closer to your own age. And one who isn't your mum's s****r." I blushed at the reminder, my eyes slinking away from Jean's gaze. But I looked at her body again, seeing her reclining there, so ripe and lush and desirable. Lust burst inside me while images of my aunt as I'd seen her came to mind. Before I realised it my hand was on her knee, the palm sliding down to the hem of Jean's skirt. Her skin was so soft! The long, lean muscles in Jean's thighs tensed. "Carl!" she yelped. "What the hell are you doing?" My aunt flinched but did nothing to remove my fingers. "I just wanted to touch you, Aunt Jean." The words came out of me all thick and clotted with lust. I was on fire for my aunt, reckless with desire and pent up frustration. "Your legs," I ...