Self-Confidence 101
Date: 10/18/2017,
Male / Females
Author: Squirrelboy
“Okay, honey, I’ll be back at about five to pick you up. Tell Holly hi for me, okay?” “Okay, mom, bye,” Jennifer said as she retrieved her violin from the back seat and shut the car door. Almost as soon as she’d done this, her mother started to pull out of the driveway, leaving Jennifer alone to walk to the door of her private teacher. When she got there, she heard the unmistakable sounds of violin music coming from the other side, unsurprising by itself, but confusing when she realized that there were TWO violins playing, and not just one. Ringing the doorbell, Jennifer nervously shifted her weight from foot to foot. Was this the wrong time? Was Holly teaching someone else right now? Jennifer had never done well around people she didn’t know; she was at the age where meeting new people made her anxious. The violin playing stopped and Holly opened the door a few minutes later, smiling. Jennifer liked Holly. The violin teacher was far nicer than any others Jennifer had ever studied under, and she seemed more knowledgeable. Today, Holly’s mouse brown hair was pulled back behind her head in a ponytail, very similar to the way Jennifer wore her own bright blonde hair. “Hi Jennifer, come on in!” Holly said this with a broadening smile, ushering Jennifer in with her violin bow, which she held in her right hand. Her left hand held the violin itself. “Hi Holly, am I here at the right time? I heard someone else playing.” Jennifer said these things as she walked into the small living ...
... room. Indeed, across the room she saw someone else standing there. Oh no, Jennifer thought. A boy. And not just a boy; a CUTE boy. He was taller than Jennifer, not hard to do really, and even taller than Holly, who wasn’t short. The boy had dark brown hair and was thin. He did wear glasses, which Jennifer never really liked on a boy, but she immediately decided they were okay on him. She felt a blush rise to her face and looked away. Jennifer NEVER did well around boys, especially cute ones. For some reason, she always became extremely self-conscious around them. A lot of her nerves stemmed from her lack of confidence about her body. She was still developing in many key areas, especially her chest, and she always felt like this was extremely evident to the boys around her, since the shape of her tiny boobs was literally pressing against her shirt for all to see. To make things worse today, she had changed into a white t-shirt and no bra, thinking it would just be Holly and her. Now this strange boy would be able to see every curve she had. Her blush deepened. “Jennifer, this is Brian,” Holly said, leading Jennifer to the boy. “He’s another student of mine. I invited him to study with us today.” “Hi,” Brian said, looking from Jennifer’s eyes, to her chest, and then away. He was blushing, too, Jennifer noticed. “Hi,” Jennifer responded, looking down. Up close, she could tell that Brian was a couple of years older than her. He wore a t-shirt, too, with a Star Wars character on ...