1. Fun With The k**s by The MadHatter

    Date: 10/18/2017, Categories: Fetish, Hardcore Taboo Author: whiteshadowz

    ... anything they didn't want to do, and to be careful with them if they did want to do things, since they were still virgins. But they also added that they would trust Billy's judgment, and leave the k**s alone for the night. Becky assured her parents that all three of her friends were eager to lose their cherries. Neil and Barbara were at first concerned at the fact that Becky had been talking with her friends about sex, but she promised them that she'd only told them that she'd done things with Billy, and hadn't mentioned their involvement. So their parents had approved the slumber party. And so now Billy sat on the couch in the living room, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Becky's friends. When the doorbell did ring, Billy jumped. "I'll get it!" Becky yelled, running for the door. Billy stood where he was, watching the doorway. Becky opened the door, and was greeted by her best friend, Colleen. The two girls hugged, then Becky took her friend's hand and led her into the living room, closing the door behind her.Billy's eyes roamed up and down Colleen's little 8-year-old body. She was slightly taller than Becky, with shoulder-length blonde hair, and blue-green eyes. She had a small, pert little nose, and the most beautiful lips. Billy couldn't wait to kiss those lips. Colleen smiled shyly at Billy as she and Becky walked into the room, lowering her eyes when she saw him looking her over. "You remember my b*****r, Billy," Becky said. "Hi there," Billy said, smiling at the young ...
    ... girl. "Hi," she said, looking up at him. "Why don't you sit here with Billy, and I'll go get us some Cokes," Becky said. "Okay," Colleen said quietly. "Get me one, too," Billy said as Becky left the room. "Okay," she shouted back at him. Billy sat back down on the couch, and Colleen sat next to him. Becky had just come back with a six-pack of Cokes when the doorbell rang again. Becky quickly set the six-pack down on the small table, and ran to the door. Billy pulled a can from the plastic ring and handed it to Colleen, then took another for himself. "Thanks," Colleen said, smiling at Billy. "You're welcome," he said. Billy loved Colleen's smile. It was almost as beautiful as his s****r's. "Billy, Justin's here," Becky said, walking into the room with Billy's best friend. "Hey, Billy." "Hey, Justin. Glad you could make it." "Yeah, me too," Justin said, his eyes going back and forth between Becky and Colleen. "Have a Coke," Billy said. "Okay." Justin took one of the sodas, and handed it to Becky, then took another for himself. "Thanks," Becky said, sitting on the couch next to Colleen. Justin sat down in a chair across from the other k**s. The four of them sat there quietly drinking their sodas, looking at each other. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang again. Becky set down her soda and went to answer it. At the door was Tina, another of Becky's friends. She had short, straight brown hair, and was about as tall as Becky. She smiled at everybody as she walked in the door. ...