Second Cousin's First Time
Date: 10/17/2017,
First Time
Author: brianbigdogsmith
As a gift, I received a ticket to a car race several hours from home in a town where I had relatives that lived only miles from the track, so naturally, when we told them we were coming to the race, and did not want to drive back that night, they offered to let us stay with them. I humbly accepted knowing this was the home of two of my favorite second cousins which I hardly ever get to see except at a few reunions and holiday dinners every few years. I always looked forward to seeing them. We arrived at the home greeted with open arms by the two girls' parents who were themselves on their way out the door to an evening out on the town, knowing me and my older s****r would be their to keep the girls company. Having not seen them in a long time and I was surprised when I saw my older cousin Jessica, coming down the hallway. She was 16 now and every bit of it. She was nearly as tall as I was and had a gorgeous body she was disappointingly hiding under three layers of clothing, having just come in from outside on a January evening. She quickly changed into something not only more comfortable for her, but much more comfortable for ME. She was almost full grown now. Thin, stylish body, an ass I just wanted to reach out and grab the second she gave me a big hug. (The whole time trying to hide the bulge in my khaki pants) I'm the kind of guy who likes the small to medium, well proportioned tits and she had them to a Tee. A mere B-cup, small C-cup at the most. Then Ashley entered the ...
... room. At 12 years of age she had turned from a homely little brat of a little s****r/cousin into a walking Goddess to be, although I did not eve realize how much this was true until later. The majority of the evening was spent catching up on old times until I had to retreat to study for my courses. I was interrupted gladly later by the two girls wanting to know if I knew how to set up a chat room program on their computer. Being a nerd in that area, and not able to resist the two sweet innocent faces I greatly volunteered. I spent hours and hours trying to configure their outdated system for what they wanted until Jessica left frustrated and went to watch TV. The younger one stayed, fascinated by my knowledge of the subject and watched patiently. I often turned and stared at her forming body, which as each second passed, got to be more and more beautiful than I ever saw her before. At 12, she was obviously still growing in some areas... small, wonderful mounds starting to give her a reason to wear a bra. Her body was like it was carved out of a cake of soap otherwise... young feminine hips, nice round ass, and a face that went from freckled and dimpled into silky smooth, with a smile to die for. Even she became a little bored with my dying efforts to fix the computer, and announced she shall go use the bathroom and return. While she was gone out of the room, I took the opportunity to look at some rather appealing sites on the web, if you get what I mean. Little did I know her ...