Dark Angel Part 9
Date: 10/28/2015,
Fantasy & Sci-Fi,
Author: Levanahyll
... harder. Pushing her power out even more, she felt the glass cylinder that contained a life. Could it be Rayne? She hadn’t known the girl long enough to recognize her life essence. There was so much torment and sorrow emanating from the source of life. Anniel shied away from it. A powerful rush of energy washed over her, the kind of energy put out by weres shifting. Anniel’s power snapped back into her as if she’d been slapped. Her flesh twitched and she half snarled-half whined, fighting off the involuntary urge to shift too. Anniel panted, clutching at her belly. The feel of a tiny body squirming within her made her gasp. “Oh-god. My baby,” she said, her voice breaking with the onset of tears. The scent of Seraph grew stronger, as well as wolf, and… “Tiger? Seth,” she screamed jumping to her feet. She wished she could roll her power out again to find her way to the door, but she really wasn’t very good at it. Having heard the door opened and slammed so many times, she knew it was somewhere behind her bed. A loud roar had her jumping in alarm. That was Seth’s roar. They were here. The others had come to rescue her. With determination, Anniel crouched and made her way toward the door on hands and knees, afraid of falling and hurting the baby. She screamed in pain when glass cut her palm. Rising to unsteady feet, she reached out and felt around until she came to a wall. The sound of clashing metal reverberated just on the other side and the familiar scent of Ashriel filled her ...
... nose. “Oh, no,” she shrieked again. “Cyn, don’t hurt him-please.” Her hands continued to feel her way across the gritty concrete wall until she felt the cool hardness of metal. Her fingers scrabbled about for a handle and she cried out when the door grew very hot. Fire. Cyneolle must be using his fire. Uncaring if she burned her hands, Anniel yanked the door open. “Stop,” she cried out. “Don’t hurt him. I love him.” *** Ashriel allowed the quiet of death to permeate his very soul. His wings spread wide and, sword at the ready, he allowed the cyborg angel to fire up his plasma lasers. Ashriel saw everything in slow motion as the powerful rebel leader aimed. Ashriel just stood still, watching him…and every molecule that swirled around them. The wristbands glowed and fire flowed, it was green, and looked as though it had a life of its own. For a moment, Ashriel admired the beauty of the green fire as it danced in a slow sensual arch toward him. The reality was that it raced at the speed of light, but time slowed for a reaper in kill mode. He leapt out of the way, as the flames tried to embrace him and flew right into the cyborg angel. Cyneolle’s body hit the concrete with a sold slam, cracking the wall. Bits of rock and cement rained down and his metallic wing sparked. Ashriel felt pain stab into him and vaulted back. Looking down, he saw his chest and abs punctured with many holes. Blood began to flow. The cyborg snarled like a vicious animal, jumping back up onto his feet. He ...