Date: 10/14/2017, Categories: True Story Author: cyrano
... outside gasping for fresh air, but my lungs were only pulling in the stench of garbage and piss. I was still on the look out for cops as I waited for our limo driver. I took him fifteen minutes. Where fuck did he park? Long Beach? My breathing was short and shallow until we reached the freeway. I took a deep breath and noticed my hands were shaking. The girls were right about the "orgy thing." I had just assumed the shoppers picked up their meat and went home - or least the parking lot. Thanks for the heads-up Rick. The girls were flush from the excitement too. They were yakking breathlessly as if they had just survived a wild roller coaster ride. "Can you believe the shit that was going on in there?" Jackie said. "You girls weren't participating were you?" I asked teasingly. "Hell no, man, that was nothing but a slutfest," Terri protested. They went back to gossiping; I barely heard a word. I kept replaying the whole scene in my head. And each time it ended with my ass being hauled off to jail. Why hadn't the cops ever raided Slash? They Eat Their Own "What you got planned for this weekend, Daddy?" It was Kristen. It was time for Kristen to go. The tab for Slash, including limo service, was over a thousand dollars. I hadn't spent all that money for a party experience; I intended to fuck one of Kristen's crew. Taking Kristen down was going to be my ticket. At least one of those girls had to be thinking she'd make a better Alpha Bitch than Kristen. I just needed to put ...
... Kristen in the right environment to make her look weak; the fangs were bound to come out. "I'm going to a party in Bel-Air." "Wow!" She just assumed I was taking them. "Look, Kristen, it's not that kind of party. It's a charity event. If you girls are going, you're going to have to be properly dressed." "You mean ball gowns?" "No. Look, I'll take care of it. I'll meet you guys at your place tommorrow. But you guys have to be ready to roll at six or it's a no go." "No, we'll be here." Unlike the Slash party, I didn't have to go in my pocket. The rental dresses and limo were all put on a Sheldon Rivera account. Sheldon, a client, was a couple of years removed from joining the one-hundred million dollar club. Folks who reach that rarefied air sometimes pick up weird and expensive hobbies. Sheldon's hobby was Oscar sniffing. He lived to fuck Oscar winnners. If a fuckable one wasn't available, he'd settle for a nominee. If an actress wasn't available he'd settle for a writer or a director, and so on. Charity events were his bait. If it was a cause important to the Hollywood community, Sheldon embraced it wholeheartedly. He used his parties to set up his targets. And I was his bird dog. The girls were oohing and aahing over the estate grounds and the tuxedoed car attendants. Kristen was trying to put up a brave front but I could tell she was intimidated. Once we were inside, though, it didn't take long for her to make herself at home. She was flirting with every dick in the room sporting ...