Breasts can be a handfull
Date: 10/14/2017,
First Time
Author: obi_malluda
... the next day wouldn't be a repeat in pain. What was more troubling were the thoughts that kept running through my head about the sex I had with Mr. Bishop. It was so wrong... and yet I found myself focusing more on the deep, deep pleasure he had given me. And while the sex had satisfied my needs, it also seemed to re-awaken the sexual desires within me that had been neglected recently. That night I had very lurid, erotic sexual dreams, but could only remember fragments of them in the morning. The one that I couldn't get out of my mind (and truthfully, didn't want to get out of my mind) was of sucking a cock, Mr. Bishop's cock, after it came out of my pussy. I tried hard to put all of that nonsense behind me in the morning, and found it relatively easy, because more milk had come in early in the morning and my breasts were once again filled to the max. I tried to get baby to drink some, but he wasn't interested. You picked a bad time to be weaned off breast milk, I thought to myself, frustratingly. I realized I needed find my breast pump. My breasts were starting to ache badly again. I texted Mr. Bishop, asking if he saw the breast pump anywhere last night, but no reply… As I was franticly looking around, the doorbell rang and there was Mr. Bishop again with a gentle smile on his face. "Hey, Kiran, so you found the pump?" All normal, no hint of what we had done yesterday in his voice or on his face. Phew. I said, "No, still looking." He reached out to touch my hand in a ...
... comforting gesture, our hands touching momentarily, felt electric to the touch. I will NOT get aroused again, I thought and then felt a hint of wetness as he followed me into the house. For some reason my wet dreams kept flashing in my mind. "Kiran, It could be under the couch, or the bed, lets have a good look." Right about then another wave of milk came in, and I winced. He looked at me and said, "You're really in a lot of pain, aren't you." "Yes... almost as bad as yesterday. It feels like they are going to explode any second." I replied. "That sounds bad, Kiran. Do you want me to go out and get you a new pump, or... what can I do to help?" The look on his face was one of desire, I knew what he was thinking. "Mr. Bishop, we can't... we can't do that again. We just can't." "I know, I know... I just hate to see you in that much pain and I have to be honest with you -- what are your other options at this point? Me sucking does help." "Yes, the sucking did, but... we can't have sex again." "I know, I know... I'll be the perfect gentleman." I sighed, and thought of changing the subject, saying "Lets have a cuppa. I’m thirsty." I made some tea and as I bent over to put the cups down onto the tea table, my breasts were virtually spilling out of my shirt. They felt so sensitive. "biscuits?" I asked. "Please, no offer of milk?" he answered, smirking. The atmosphere was electric, you could feel the tension in the air. I perched myself onto the arm of the couch and as I did so I slowly ...