1. Unrequited - Chapter 1 : Backstory

    Date: 10/13/2017, Categories: True Story Boy / Boy, Gay Non-Erotic, Author: ZephStone

    ... with every opportunity. Unfortunately, I had a change of heart and told him everything. It crushed him. It crushed me. “I thought we were friends. What have I ever done to you?” That Facebook message...I stared at it every day since he sent it. He’s right. What did he ever do to me? After everything I did, I realized he never even knew I liked him. I spiraled into depression - cutting myself, smoking up to 3 packs of cigarettes a day, drinking, and having an aggressive attitude towards everyone. My grades went from excellent to average and I became this miserable, bipolar human with terrible mood swings. The few friends I had described me like a girl on her period, but worse and way longer. If you ever heard of the saying “kill your enemies with kindness,” that’s how our relationship has been since then. Despite everything I’ve done to him, he was still nice towards me and I realized I still loved him...if you could call what I’ve been feeling as “love.” I didn’t want to go through that phase of crazy, Taylor Swift-like actions, so I tried to drown out my feelings for him by avoiding him. I think he was interested in becoming friends again, but knowing myself, I’d be letting myself into a trap because I just couldn’t stop feeling so much for the damn guy. In the midst of my campaign to at least try to shut out my feelings for him, I got drunk and sent him several texts. The next morning, I was horrified to see the messages on my phone. “I love you. I’ll take care of you. ...
    ... Please give me a chance.” “Now I understand, Sam. You love me.” I threw my phone clear across the room and cried for the first time in a long time. I told myself “I’m ruined.” That text...what if someone saw it? What if he spreads it as payback for what I did to him in the past? I returned to school miserable. I just knew someone saw that text so I told my friends. Apparently, I also told a few other people I thought I could trust. Before long, some people I knew, but didn’t tell my secret to, were teasing me whenever Matt and I were within sight of each other or in private. That pushed me to become resentful of people in general. I tried to make people think differently by being mean towards Matt whenever he was the topic of conversations, but that backfired and people teased me even more. “Oh please. You love him. You’re just being bitter.” Yes, I was being bitter and I still am. Up until the time Matt graduated and disappeared from the halls, I kept telling myself he was just an inconvenience. Apparently, I still feel otherwise. Right now, I feel regret. I wished I played my cards right. I wish I wasn’t so stupid to cause so much trouble for both of us. I wish I could’ve been nicer and just treasured our friendship rather than letting my feeling control me and ruining everything. I miss him. I love him. I want to turn back time and redo everything, but we all know that’s not possible. As I was manning one of the school offices one day, a friend came up to me and told me I ...