1. Making Our Baby

    Date: 10/11/2017, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Romance Wife Author: David Eros

    Julie felt the steamy air rise up through the bubbles covering the surface of the bath. The pleasantly warm vapor enveloped her in its embrace like a soft blanket. With a gentle sigh, she shut off the faucet, leaving the small room in momentary silence. With a tentative touch at first, and then with more confidence, she dipped her finger and let the warm water cover her skin like the supple cloth of a velvety glove. "Hmm, perfect," she quietly said as she rose to remove the robe that still covered her body. As she turned, she saw her reflection through the partially fogged surface of the bathroom mirror. The excited smile that played across her face caught her by surprise, making her bite her lip slightly and causing a momentary blush that turned color of her cheeks to a subtle pink. She was excited. Her heart fluttered constantly these last few weeks and she found that same smile appearing at the oddest times. As she pinned her light brown hair up into a bun behind her head, a tiny giggle escaped her lips. "Oh, I can hardly wait for Richard to get home." Julie untied the sash at her waist and let the white robe flow off of her shoulders. After hanging it on the hook by the door, her gaze moved back to the mirror and she looked over her own body with, perhaps, a less critical eye than she had in the past. She was just barely twenty four, and as her husband kept telling her, she probably looked better now than she had the day they first met. With a raised eyebrow and a nervous ...
    ... bite at her lower lip, she distastefully pinched at her trim waist, pulling up a small bit of skin between her fingers, "Well, almost as good anyway. Richards a dear, but he’d say anything to make me happy." Julie cupped her breasts, lifting them slightly. They filled her hands nicely and were still quite firm, showing not the slightest sign of sag. Her nipples were a rosy pink, and sat slightly upturned on the rise of her boob. "And they are all me." The words came out playfully, but she had always been proud of her bust line and considered it to be one of her best features. She tweaked one of her distended nipples gently and a soft moan escaped her lips as the almost electrical sensation of arousal began softly pulsating from her stimulated bud. The sensation was simply delicious and she couldn't resist pinching the other before forcing herself back to her bath. Lastly, for effect, Julie lit the scented candles she placed around the tub. The tiny flames danced happily on their wicks and emitted the sweet scents of cherries and rose. Julie sighed again before slipping on her iPod headphones. Finally, she stepped into the bath and carefully reclined into the waters warm embrace. As she ran the soapy sponge over belly, she let her mind drift to her life with Richard. She’d been working two jobs over the last three years, jobs that supported them both while he completed his Degree. It was a difficult time for her and she often felt her muscles ache from the stress the jobs put ...