Measuring My Cum - pt5
Date: 10/11/2017,
Author: griffen1
I felt something slap against my butt cheek, and then again a couple of times. It felt like a hand. I woke up with a jerk. I had drifted off to sl**p, only for a few minutes it seemed, as I lay naked on my bed whilst mom had finished her shower. Now she stood over me next to the bed. She had a bath towel wrapped around her, and had been slapping my naked butt with her hand to wake me up. "This will never do young man," she said sternly. "It's almost 10.30. Why haven't you put any clothes on?" I had drifted off to sl**p on my side, so mom must have had a good view of my ass and back whilst she slapped me. As I turned on my back, to now face her, I saw her looking at my balls and dick again, which, for now, was still limp. She licked her lips again. As before, I was sure she was not aware she was doing this and it was almost an involuntary action. "Oh, sorry mom," I said, apologetically. "Must have drifted off to sl**p. I felt a bit sl**py after cumming twice in the bathroom, and lay on the bed for a few minutes to recover, that's all." "Oh," replied mom more calmly, apparently pacified at my explanation. "Well, I hope you remember what I said in there. We have some serious talking to do later. I'll probably think things over whilst I'm out. Make yourself breakfast after you put your clothes on. I'll be going straight out when dressed." As she spoke about dressing, I had a sudden idea. "Mom, I'm not really in the mood to go out today, now. I think I'll just stay at home all ...
... day. I was wondering... err... well... as I'm going to have to dress and undress a few times later when we have our, know... sessions... it would just be easier if I... err... I mean... if I just wore say, my boxer shorts, and that dressing gown I got a couple of years back. You know... the one I've hardly worn. Maybe I could wear it around the house with just my boxers on underneath to save bother. After all, you have seen enough of my body by now." Mom looked at me in silence for a moment, as if she was considering what I had just said. After a pause, she said, "Well, I guess it doesn't matter if you do, and it would save us some time. As long as we've got no guests coming over, I'm ok for you to dress like that. But only whilst we are having to do our sessions mind, and back to normal after this is hopefully all over," she said in a firm tone. "And, I guess it will save a bit on the laundry," she added, in a more relaxed way, and as if she was giving herself another reason to agree to my request. With that she started walking out of my bedroom, still with the bath towel wrapped around her. I lay back on the bed for a moment again. I didn't know where I'd got that idea all of a sudden, and the courage to say it! It just seemed to happen! I was referring to a 'house-gown' I had bought a couple of years back -- one of those impulse buys. It was like a dressing gown, but made of fine, smooth fabric, which I couldn't remember the name of, dark blue in colour with an ...