Messy Roommate 4 Re-write
Date: 10/10/2017,
Dark Fantasy
Male / Older Female,
Author: Nebic
Messy Roommate 4 "Mom!" Jim yelled as Christine entered the house. Pretending to be surprised he gave her a big hug and introduced his roommate behind him. "Oh I know Paul he's the one who called me!" She said giving him a playful wink. Even without sexual intent Jim's cock twitched at his mother's harmless flirting. "You're just as beautiful as the photo Jim keeps around." Paul says before pushing Jim out of his way to hug Christine. Jim bit his lip as their hug lasts longer then his, Paul smirking at him the entire time. "Jim what happened to your shirt?" Christine asks, looking at Jim with Paul behind her. "Uh-I spilled some, er milk on it." Jim lied with Paul quietly laughing behind his mother. "Honey that's a lot of milk! It's everywhere!" She said pulling on his shirt before licking her thumb and trying to wipe it away. Jim blushed and struggled to get away, Paul laughing openly behind them now. "Oh mom, it was just a freak accident with a bowl of cereal." He said pulling away from her. "Here why don't you two sit down on the couch, I have something I wanna show you." Jim said leading his mother to the stained couch, Paul sitting next to her and smiling. Leaving the room he went to retrieve the blanket his grandma made, while getting it he could hear his mother giggling and Paul laughing causing his dick to stand up. Struggling to hide it he walked back into the room, seeing his mother's hand on Paul's knee. Swallowing hard he brought the blanket over and held it up. ...
... His mother went wild and started talking about the blanket, her mouth never stopping as she tried to explain it's history and how much it meant to her. Jim nodded and smiled as he listened, then noticed Paul stroking himself through his pants right beside Christine. However she was too busy talking to even notice the young man beside her playing with his dick, Jim could feel his mouth going dry. "Why don't we cover up with it, I'm kinda chilly." Paul said, smirking at Jim. Christine happily agreed and tossed the large thick blanket over them both leaving Jim standing beside them. "Let's watch a movie, Jim!" Paul said. Jim agreed and put on his mother's favorite movie: a romance about young lovers. He could see her excitement which worried him, and made his dick harder to hide. With the couch full he had no choice but to sit on the floor in front of Paul, which felt humiliating but he knew Paul loved it. After a few minutes of the movie Paul spoke up asking Jim if he had something to get at the store. "Oh right! I almost forgot I need to run down to the store real fast, I'll only be gone a minute." Jim lied, getting up and walking toward the door. Getting a last look at his mother and Paul they seemed to be snuggling closer, Jim took a breath and left. Driving to the store gave him a minute to stroke himself, helping calm down. Tucking his hard dick into his waist ban he entered the small store, and bought a pack of candy. After leaving he enjoyed rubbing himself on the way ...