1. Heart of the Dragon

    Date: 10/28/2015, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: bad_mann_ers

    ... cell phone, but she smiled and waved for me to come in. She was talking travel business, so I patiently waited. Her phone conversation drifted away from work subjects and into gossip. She stepped away from the computer and indicated that I should set up the web cam. I could see that USB cable on hers had been damaged. I plugged mine in and the software pretty much installed itself. I stepped away from the computer just as she was finishing her call. "I'm sorry about that," she apologized. "It was rude of me to gossip while you waited." "No worries," I replied. "You should be all set for your chat." With a sheepish grin, I added, "Maybe I should hurry down to my room and log in as well. Will you let me watch?" A big smile spread across her face. "I was hoping that you would stay." She laughed at the shocked look on my face as I stammered, "Of course!" Her smile faded a bit, and she said, "There are a couple of things, though." "Anything," I replied quickly. "Just ask." "My 'web-cam buddy' as you call him is my husband," she said as she blushed. "He has been asking me to do something new for a while. I have teased him that I would let an author from the site seduce me, but only if he approved. I never thought I would meet one." She was acting more and more nervous as she spoke. Her eyes drifted to the floor and she wouldn't look at me as she continued. "I don't know if I am ready to be seduced. I don't know how far he will let things go. I think I am asking the impossible, ...
    ... but here is what I want. I want you to sit in that chair and watch me put on a show for him. You should try to distract me, but you have to stay in the chair. If I ask you to do anything else, you have to do exactly what I ask, and nothing more. Can you do that?" "To be clear," I stated, "you are going to give your husband a naked webcam show, and I will sit here and give you a naked live show." "I like your description better," she said with a laugh. "Will you do it?" "Did you have any doubt?" I asked. "I will even behave as you have asked." "One more thing then," she said with apprehension. "If I ask you to do more, it will be here, on cam. He will get to see everything. Oh, and another thing. I just want to be sure we are on the same page. If we do more, I am not sure how much more. If he says stop, or I say stop, we have to stop immediately. No questions, just stop." She was really worried about it, but I dared a small joke to lighten up the mood. "You know there is a point where the male body stops sending blood to the head on his shoulders, and he can no longer think, right?" Her eyes darted to my face, and she saw that I was joking. I quickly said, "Yes, if I am lucky enough and you invite me to join you on cam, I will respect your wants and needs, even if that means I have to leave." She studied me for a moment, and then said, "I have heard that women can suffer from the same blood distribution affliction. If it comes to that, you better be sure I get there before you ...