1. The Ballad of Hoan Vegars: Part 5: Adventures in Georgia

    Date: 10/10/2017, Categories: True Story Anal Bi-sexual Boy / Boy, Gay Group Sex Male / Females Young Author: The_Penetrator

    “It’s getting late” said Hoan as he drove the truck. “We should probably find a place to stay for the night.” “Indeed” responded Kajc. “I have some friends near by, and they’re patriots. I am sure that they will allow us to spend the night in their house.” Kajc nodded, and Hoan drove to his friends’ house. His friends lived on a piece of property near Savannah, by the shore. They drove past a forest of cypress trees, covered with Spanish moss, as they pulled up near the house. They were greeted by a house, in old plantation style, near a barn and pasture. Tennessee Walking Horses looked up from their grazing to see the new arrivals, and then returned to their grazing once they were assured that they were safe. Hoan and Kajc were welcomed with open arms, and after eating a home cooked meal of chicken, they went to sleep. In the morning, they took a quick ride around the property on the smooth Walking horses. After saying good bye to the beautiful horses, and thanking their hosts, Hoan and Kajc got back in their truck, and drove away. Hoan and Kajc arrived in the southern city of Savannah, Georgia. They parked the car, and strolled along the historic streets of cobblestone. In the park, they marveled at a fountain, under the shade of the spanish moss covered live oaks. “Alright” said Hoan, “Let’s start recruiting.” They were able to recruit many soldiers, who promptly traveled north to Norfolk. Then, the government attacked. The sound of a helicopter was heard, and then a ...
    ... Blackhawk came into view. It seemed that Hoan and Kajc came into view for the helicopter’s gunner as well, who started firing his minigun at the two. They ran inside a building to avoid the bullets. Hoan quickly thought of a plan. He and Kajc lit out the back of the building quickly, and made it to the F-350. Hoan grabbed his rifle and ran towards a taller building, Kajc quickly grabbed the rest of the gear, and followed Hoan. They made it to the building as bullets riddled their truck, causing it to explode. Hoan then made his way to the roof, and prepared his shot. Once he had a line of sight, and fired three shots of his AR-15 at the gunner, causing him to die and fall out of the helicopter. Hoan then jumped into the helicopter, and sliced the pilots throat with his bowie knife. He then landed it in the street. Kajc got in, and the two flew out of the city. Their next stop was Augusta, Georgia. They would continue their recruiting efforts in the that city. It was the perfect distance as well, the helicopter was almost out of fuel as Hoan landed the helicopter on a baseball field. They then started recruiting soldiers for the war, but nor before enjoying a lunch at a local restaurant. After recruiting, they decided to head to Atlanta. They went to a local Mercedes Benz dealership, and Hoan bought a 2012 Mercedes C-Class C250 sedan, in the color of “Palladium Silver”. They drove west, and ended up in the town of Madison, Georgia. They ate dinner at a restaurant, and spent the ...