Painless Love Chapter 3
Date: 10/8/2017, Categories: Fiction BDSM Consensual Sex Domination/submission Young Author: Liv Beornwulf
I don’t want to wake up. I know that I mustn’t. Oh yes—I was the heck tired yesterday doing an interview with a top most celebrity and today there would be an opulent and grand Marie de Pierre Gala going on at Riesman Hotel here in Las Vegas. Marie de Pierre is a celebrated and well-known star all over America with a rumored whooping net worth of breathtakingly $600 million. Well, you might be guessing how she made all that huge amount in her whatever efforts and labors. She just happens to be a 31 year old woman who is into designing and furnishing people’s living rooms and most importantly their kitchens, and her own self-incorporated company, The Marie de Pierre Furnishers, are just equally exactly into the same furnishing and making up people’s homes and their kitchenettes thing. “We are going to see Marie de Pierre this evening?” Courtney asks me as we eat and polish up our breakfast in our enormous and large living room. “Well, who else do you want to see yourself tonight? Gavin—right? Come on, girl. We are going to enjoy ourselves at this gala, all you solely have to do is follow me and let us enjoy and please ourselves as we feel like. I hear that it is absolutely and definitely going to be super fantastic and brilliant awesome. What do you think about it?” “Since you have insisted so much on it, I am not going to say ‘no’ at all.” Hmmnnnn! I am wondering and thinking quietly to myself: Should I tell her about the cutely gentleman that handed me a lift yesterday, or ...
... must I just keep quiet and unspeaking about it. I can’t really and actually tell. No, don’t let her know about it for now. An appropriate time will be coming for you to let her know as concerns it. Of course—that is my beautiful and plain damn bothersome sneaky snoopy subconscious, Mirth. She is always listening and paying due attention to whatever it is that I am saying up there in my private head. I am now at work. Today is Thursday, 9 April 2020. Oh my goodness. I feel like I am so dead beat and exhausted to the extreme point and extent that I cannot do any little bit of thing without catching myself yawning and yowling out helplessly. But then again I have to keep myself up on my toes and not be downright helpless. This is what life requires and demands of me, not to be lazy and seated perfectly still doing no any form of work. “I have got your latest research done and handed over to you. Did it reach your desk?” I ask Logan Hamilton, my tall, sturdy-built like, good-looking boss. Hmmnnnn! Most men his age? You find them more than standard average overweight with bent and almost tumbling-off swellings and puffing-outs of their bellies to the extent that even their walk and activity itself is not all that healthy and inspiring. How does he do it? He is forty-four, and yet he is so strong and powerful and robust. If it were not for his graying hair, I swear that he would blamelessly and cleanly look to be in his late twenties. “Oh yes I got it, Tori. It came to my attention ...