1. The Art of Cuckolding

    Date: 10/27/2015, Categories: Fetish, Mature Voyeur, Author: magas911

    ... but you're getting there. The more you make him feel inadequate, the more he will try to compensate. He will try to make up for his inadequacies by doing things for you, what ever you want." Ava continued, "The first time my Sammie was humiliated, I felt awful for him but I also felt a bit of power over him. Each time I humiliated him, I felt more and more power over him until he submitted totally to me. He just felt so inadequate around me." Marie sighed, "I don't think I could ever do that to Jack." "Yes you can. Let me tell you. Early one morning my Sammie was leaving to play golf. He was dressed and he came over to the bed to kiss me goodbye. I thought to myself, sure he is going out to play with his friends and I will be home cleaning bathrooms. I looked up at him and I said, this afternoon when you get home, I want you to clean the bathrooms." Ava went on, "He looked at me and was about to refuse so I cupped my hand over my pussy. That always reminds him of his inadequacies. He became humiliated and meekly replied, that yes, he would." Ava smiled as she continued, "That first time that I saw my Sammie on his hands and knees scrubbing the toilet, I was overwhelmed with feelings of power. I knew that I had complete dominance over his mind and body. What a feeling of power it is." She went on, "I'll always remember that day. I stood over him, watching him clean the bowl when I felt the urge to pee. I told him and he started to get up but I put my hand on the top his head ...
    ... and told him to stay where he was. I didn't want him to walk away from his cleaning duties. "I stepped in front of him and sat on the toilet while he continued kneeling in front of me. When I began peeing, I leaned forward, took his face in my hands and we kissed for the duration of my pee. When I finished, we broke the kiss and I asked him if he wanted to dry me?" "What happened next, shocked me. I expected him to get a tissue and pat me dry but instead, he knelt there, closed his eyes and held out his tongue. Not knowing what to do, I slowly stood up and stepped out of my panties. I placed my hands on his head and slowly brought my bush up against his nose. I wanted him to breathe my scent. He still held his tongue out so I parted my legs and lowered my pussy onto his tongue. He lapped my droplets and for the second time that day, I was overwhelmed by a rush of dominance and absolute power over him." Marie replied, "Jack would never do that." Ava smiled, "Well maybe not that but just continue what you're doing. Think of your home as a bee hive. Consider that you're the queen bee and Jack is the worker bee. Now a bee hive can only have one queen and many worker bees. One of the things you have to do is gain sexual independence from Jack." The younger Marie asked, "How do I do that?" Ava went on, "Last night, when you were with Charles, that was a small step toward your sexual independence. Remember, you're the queen bee, you have to have a few worker bees servicing you." "Oh, ...