An Old Friend
Date: 9/30/2017,
Gay Male,
Author: subseeker
**My High School Days** From the time I was a young boy, I was drawn to friendships with boys who exhibited some kind of dominance. It wasn't something that I consciously did, but I often remember being asked by f****y and friends why I would hang out with friends who bullied me. To me it didn -(TM)t feel like bullying in comparison to the alternative, which was to have friends who were more like me - meek and passive, and end up bullied in a far worse way by the stronger boys in school. Maybe I sought the protection of stronger boys or maybe I looked up to their strength and felt lucky to be around them. At any rate, for as long as I can remember I had best friends who were clearly in charge and liked me being a follower. When I was 14 my f****y moved (as we often did with a father in the military), and I found myself entering a new high school in Denver, Colorado. It was the summer before my freshman year that I met Drew, and he became my best friend throughout high school. Drew was athletic and confident, and I was drawn to his popularity. Although I was a skinny, brainy type, I was always considered nice-looking (cute was the term most girls would use), and I think the feedback he heard from girls who saw me hanging out at the local convenience store that summer gave Drew enough reason to reach out to me. We hung out a good bit, and I think my deference to his decisions and my willingness to praise his qualities resulted in a mutual friendship. I guess most would say ...
... that he bullied me, with his occasional joke at my expense, his demands for my compliance, his using me to do his homework, and his pressure to control me, mainly for his benefit or entertainment. But we had an understanding, and I looked up to him like a big b*****r. When it came to girls, Drew was gifted with the confidence and assertiveness that only comes from being a popular athlete in the society of teen life. I was shy but extremely attracted to girls, and would listen to his every word as he recounted his ever-growing list of sexual encounters. During our sophomore year, I remember laying in his double bed after a party we went to, listening to him tell me about fucking this girl who would never give me the time of day. As had happened many times before, we were both masturbating during his story, but this time he suddenly stopped and looked at me. "Do you want to smell her pussy?" he asked me with a grin. "Sure," I replied, nervous but trying to act cool, not quite sure where this was going. "Have at it then," he chimed, looking down at his erect cock. Not wanting to show weakness, I slowly moved my face down near his crotch. I had seen his cock plenty of times, and there was no question it was considerably larger than mine, but this was the closest I had ever been to it. The length and thickness intimidated me, and my nose was filled with the smell of his musk and cum mixed with this amazing teen girl's dried juices. "Have a taste, it's ...