1. Wrong place wrong time

    Date: 9/25/2017, Categories: Dark Fantasy Anal Blowjob Cruelty Domination/submission Hardcore Humiliation Male / Female Teens, Non-consensual sex Rape Author: SummonChaos

    This is my first story so if you have any comments feel free to leave them, and let me know if you want to read anything else from me. Wrong place wrong time It’s the middle of March and I’m just sat in my usual alley behind a local McDonald’s. I am a tall broad man with long scruffy jet black hair and an equally scruffy beard. Wearing torn jeans and a long coat I’m sitting down trying to keep as warm as possible when I hear the chime of a school bell from the nearby school. The usual choir of children screams laughs and shouts echo down the alley. I just sit there smiling to myself. “Maybe I will be lucky today” I say to myself nursing a bottle of whiskey. After a few minutes I hear footsteps clicking down the alley, I look up and see a short girl with strawberry blonde hair (more ginger than blonde) walking down the alley looking up at the buildings not paying attention. I grin wickedly and wait. --- Jessie ---- The bell chimes and I walk out of school adjusting my skirt, damn teachers and their rules about skirts not being too short. I start to walk down the street home trying not to get knocked over by the younger boys running home screaming, I just shake my head at them and put my headphones in and start blasting my music. I decide to take a quick detour through an alley; I’ve taken this alley dozens of times before it comes out right by my house cutting my journey in half. I walk aimlessly along looking up at the cats jumping from window sill to window sill the smell of ...
    ... pee and vomit as strong as always then suddenly all is black. --- Michael --- I hit her catching her off guard sending her toppling to the floor I catch her before she can hurt herself. Running my hands all over her petite tight body I can feel myself getting harder and my heart pumps faster and faster I think it will jump out of my chest. Deciding it’s best not to do anything in the open I drag her into a nearby building I use to escape the rain. Laying her on an old mattress I begin tearing at her clothes trying not to tear anything, don’t want anything to get back to me. I just sit back once she is naked and admire her naked and pale body, her perky B cup breasts a light dusting of freckles across her chest and stomach leading my down to her full bush of bright ginger pubes. Licking my lips I relive myself of my clothes, not one to boast but at least the good lord saw fit to gift me with a decent size package sitting at an adequate size of 8.5 inches when fully erect and at least 3 inches thick, I start to rub spit over my cock slapping her awake with my other hand, oh the look of fear on her face when she opens her auburn eyes groggy at first then turning into a look of fear. --- Jessie --- My eyes flick around the room as I rub my head. “What’s going on here, who are you, where am I, WHY AM I NAKED” A flurry of questions and none of them answered as the tall broad man leers over my and what can only be described as a Coke can cock pointing straight at me. I try to cover ...