1. Punk Slut s*s

    Date: 9/24/2017, Categories: First Time Masturbation Taboo Author: brianbigdogsmith

    ... they were the friendlest bunch of people I'd ever met. &#034Giz that Mick,&#034 Liz said, taking the joint from her boyfriend and taking a large drag on it. &#034Nice! Wanna a smoke?&#034 She offered me the joint. &#034Sure,&#034 I replied, and took the joint. I had a couple of tokes on it whilst Liz grabbed my almost empty bottle of beer and finished it off. I hadn't tried dope before and it made my head buzz. I passed it back to Mick who accepted it with thanks. He was paying attention to the band on the stage. &#034So Billy,&#034 Liz said to me, &#034This your first time at this place?&#034 &#034Yup. I love it, it pretty cool.&#034 Liz turned round and saw Jenny getting boned in the arse. &#034Holy shit,&#034 she laughed, turning back to me, &#034Your s****r is up there! I take it you know.&#034 &#034Know?&#034 laughed Mick, &#034He went up and fucked in the arse. Then I fucked her in the arse too.&#034 &#034Oooh, all of you having fun without me,&#034 Liz giggled, unfazed at what she'd just been told, &#034Shame, I'm a bit horny. And you're both spent. Oh boo.&#034 &#034I'm not completely spent,&#034 I quipped. I was indeed semi-hard, just thanks to Liz standing in front of me in her tight leather hotpants and bra, plenty of pale flesh on display. Unusually for this place she did not have tattoos, although she did have a naval piercing. &#034Really?&#034 Liz smirked, and she leaned over and rather shockingly just felt my crotch and, through my jeans, squeezed my ...
    ... semi-hard cock. &#034Mmmm, I see.&#034 I glanced over at Mick who just laughed. &#034Billy's still a teenager,&#034 he told his girlfriend as he grabbed a bottle of beer from the table, &#034He's probably always horny. I was at that age.&#034 He guzzled some of his beer. Liz giggled and took her hand from my crotch. &#034Anyway, I'm off to dance,&#034 she said, then called to her boyfriend &#034Hey Mick? You comin'?&#034 &#034Sure,&#034 Mick responded, and he handed me the joint. He got up, said &#034See you later&#034 and strolled onto the dance floor with Liz, his girlfriend glancing over her shoulder and smiling at me, mouthing &#034Goodbye handsome.&#034 I smiled back and gave her a wave. Then she and Mick joined the crowd moshing and dancing away. There were more people on the dance floor now. For some reason it almost seemed to me now that it was no big deal to know that my s****r was up there with a couple of other punks getting gang-banged, or that I'd bum-fucked her not long ago. These things seemed to fit in with the wild atmosphere of the place. I smoked the joint and sat back, feeling nice and relaxed. On looking about I noticed Kaylee, the woman who had impulsively snogged me earlier, the one with the pink hair tied in bunches. She was dancing wildly on the dance-floor. She stopped for a moment in between songs, glanced about and saw me. She smiled and I waved at her. Then she said something to a couple of female friends before sauntering over on her own. She'd been ...