1. Smurfy Sex part 2

    Date: 10/26/2015, Categories: Fiction Author: Dillan1, Source: sexstories.com

    ... off Rina's hand. Rina leaned forward with her tongue out placing it on the moist pink nub. There was a salty tang that wasn't bad. She proceeded to move her tongue tip lightly over Smurfette's clitoris. Smurfette's pubic hair was course on her tongue. Also not technically disturbing, and yet the fact that someone wrote the sentence "Smurfette's pubic hair was course on her tongue" and I read it makes me want to tear my own head off and set it on fire. Smurfette was at first feeling uncomfortable about having her pussy licked. Prude. Her private area was swelling, and started to throb from pressure build up. Each of Rina's tongue strokes seemed to bring her relief of pleasure. Smurfette's heart started to beat fast, and her little nipples got hard as blueberries. Blueberries aren't particularly hard. I'd think sapphires would be a more accurate descriptiOH GOD WHY AM I MAKING HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS She lifted her head up biting on her lower lip. Opening, and closing her mouth in heavy gasping. "Uhnnn! Yes! Right there!" escaped from her mouth unintentionally after a bit. Smurfette didn't have time to feel guilty. Rina had hit her secret sweet spot. Rina's tongue started to explore more of Smurfette's womanhood. Starting from the outside to in. Smurfette's pussy lips swollen open like a flower now. Rina's lips were almost French kissing them. Huh. So the author knows what a clitoris is, but don't know what a French kiss is? That's kind of impressive, actually. Smurfette's moist pussy flaps were soft as butter. Toht for the "Smurfette's moist pussy flaps" and Head Asplode for the mind-shatteringly inappropriate adjective. Rina sucked, and nibbled on them. And spread them on toast Looking up at the blonde Smurf's reactions. Smurfette seemed pleased with dazed eyes looking down. Then Rina decided to make a cake, using milk, eggs, flour, and of course, Smurfette's moist pussy flaps.