Her Husband Watched in Horror - BBBBTS
Date: 10/25/2015, Categories: Mature Taboo Voyeur, Author: therealbk
... there son at home. I think there just here for a drink. She keeps asking her husband to dance with her. But he doesn't want to dance. He's been checking out this small skinny Asian guy in the corner since he sat down." he said. I smiled. "Thanks for the info. Get her another drink. On me. Get him a drink too. Oh! He's drinking water. Then just get her a drink. Tell her it’s from me. Keep the change." I said. I handed the bartender a $100. He walked down to hand her another glass of wine. Her husband said something to the bartender. He then followed the bartender hand. He then pointed to me. I moved my glass, to toast them. His wife smiled. She moved her glass of wine to her lips. She took a small sip. Her husband eyes got big. Then he gave me a weird look. I just smiled. A few minutes passed before her husband said something to her. She then turned to walk toward me. I watched as her amazing body shook underneath her tight red dress. Her dress hugged her small hips, thick thighs, and showed off her amazing cleavage. Every man, woman in the bar followed her as she moved closer toward me. The bartender came down to get me another beer. She now stood inches in front of me. Her left hand on the bar. She put her drink on the bar next to mine. She put her right hand on her hip. "My husband sent me to thank you for my drink. You shouldn't have.." she said. "My pleasure. My name Buck. What's yours?" I said. She smiled. "Mrs. Kayla Swanson...It's nice to meet you Buck. Do you usually ...
... buy married women drinks?" she said. I smiled. "Only the cute ones." I said. She blushed.. "Such a young gentleman. How's your night going?" said Kayla. "Better know.. How’s your night going?" I said. She giggled. "Good.. My husband and I just came from our daughters 21st birthday. We drive by this place all the time. I always wanted to come in here. Plus I wanted to show off my new dress for the first time. My daughter was teasing me. She say's it's to small on me. My son. Just jumped off the couch when he saw me. He ran to his room. He's the baby. 24 and still living at home. He looks just like his Dad. How tall our you?" said Kayla. I smiled. "Between 6ft 3 and 6ft 4. I think you look really good in that dress. You smell great also. Who does your daughter look like?" I said. "Kind of a mini me. She's has my husband height. She only 4ft 7. But she has my body and she stole my blonde hair. Ha ha ha." she said. My mind was racing. I had to think quick before her husband came to take her home. I paused..... "Would you like to dance?" I said. "I don't think my husband will allow it. He has been fighting off a few men when we got here. He say's I attract the wrong crowd. He usually forbids me to leave the house. But my daughter talked him into taking me out tonight." she said. "What if I ask him?? He might say yes...Would that be ok?" I said. Kayla smiled. "You can try. I'll stay here" she said. I got off my bar stool. I walked to the end of the bar. I walked right up to Kayla ...