Swiss Miss
Date: 9/17/2017, Categories: Fetish, Taboo Author: ScottNC
(all true) With no intention, I met this woman from Switzerland through a photo posting site I use. We started out commenting on each others photos, then quickly became friends and were messaging almost every day. We shared general likes and dislikes and started to bond after finding out we were both the same age (50). We became braver and braver with our emails and soon I had sent her a photo of myself naked and a nice cock photo or two. She was a bit shy but said she really liked them. shortly after that she started sending me a few naked pics of herself. That's when I found out she was pretty fucking amazing naked. After commenting on her tits, she confessed the really got turned on by playing with her nipples. Now would be a good time to mention that I was married at the time, but not happily. As our friendship grew rapidly I became bold and called my Swiss Miss on the phone. With the time difference, I had to call at around 2:00-4:00am my time which meant sneaking downstairs and being quiet as to not get caught. She mentioned she was going to Zurich to visit her Mother, I joked and said I could meet her there. This started the conversation of me visiting Switzerland to see her in person. She was understandably nervous , so I gave her several weeks to think about it. She agreed and we started to make plans. The plan was for me to buy my plane ticket, and she would acquire an apartment for the week, thus we would both be spending about the same amount of money. I had come ...
... up with a story to tell my wife that a male friend from the photo posting site had invited me over and that I really just wanted to get away and go alone. It worked and was eventually on my way across the pond to see my Swiss Miss. She met me at the airport and we were both so excited to finally meet each other in person. And she was hot!!!! Cute and a great bod. We took the train to the apartment where we threw down our luggage and just stared at each other realizing we were finally alone and together and could do anything we wanted. It seemed like hardly any time past at all and I was naked and helping her off with her clothes. That's when I found out she was right about her nipples. Even the slightest touch made her groan. I knew we were going to have a good time ;-) I got her top off and was greeted by an amazing pair of tits (she doesn't wear a bra). She was 50 but her body was 40....simply beautiful. minutes later were in bed , started off with some conventional fore play and quickly moved on to fucking. Her pussy had a little hair around it which I love, and we watched my dick go in and out of her hole together. We continued to have fantastic sex for a few days as we learned little by little what each of us liked. She told me she liked to watch porn where the guy is behind the woman banging the hell out of her. So we pulled some porn up on her computer and we imitated a video she picked out. She loved it when I grabbed her ass real had with my hands and kept pounding. ...