Eros University Chapter 2: The Blonde Seductress
Date: 10/25/2015,
Oral Sex
Author: blogger007
Chapter 2: The Blonde Seductress The blaring beeps of my bedside alarm-clock forced me awake. "Why did I have to sleep so late last night?" I groaned, sitting up on my bed with the white blanket disarrayed over my lap. "Oh, right," I remembered suddenly, "the whole sexual episode with Karen and Chaval, not to mention that mysterious girl...." A scramble to prepare for classes began: there was only twenty minutes till my first lesson. Following a quick, hot shower, I got dressed in uniform, a white button-shirt over which I threw on a black coat and simple black dress pants. Picking up my schoolbag, I admitted to the growing fear in my stomach. This is the first morning of my post-secondary education, I thought. It's not going to be a joke like high-school. However, I felt thrilled as well. "Time to meet some girls!" I said out loud, rubbing my hands together. I darted for the lecture hall, cutting across the field and reaching the building within minutes. Castle Turin, it proclaimed in silver lettering above the large, wooden doorway of the elegant Gothic structure. The stone walls, worn away by rain, were a dull, smudged gray. I wasn't sure if this building was a replica of a medieval castle or an artifact surviving from that age. It didn't look so big from outside, I remarked to myself after walking in. The overall shape was in the medieval strain. It was like a large, many-floored tower. I walked up the spiral staircase to the seventh floor, my steps echoing off the grimy ...
... walls. After taking a few confused turns I finally found my class. The wide double-doors of wood and iron were open, and when I walked inside I noticed that the room was already half-full. With a quick look around, I took a seat at the edge of one of the back rows. Wow, I thought, my eyes scanning around, this place sure is amazing. The inside of the spacious room was a strange fusion of old and new. The long, ornate tables which stretched from one end of the room to the other were remnants of a bygone era, as were the leather-backed chairs. A pervasiveness of the colour gray in the ancient stone walls and floor served to give the place a brooding, almost haunting atmosphere. However, there was an LCD projector on the ceiling and a large television in the left-hand corner of the room. Not many other students showed up and the class remained half-full. At around two minutes before ten the professor walked in. I got a profile view of her, and let me tell you—YOWZA! She was hot! Writing Professor Elizabeth York on the blackboard, she turned to face the class and began arranging her notes upon the lectern. Professor York seemed to be a foreigner, possibly from Germany or Austria. She had a very graceful figure and looked so gorgeous in her sleek, light-purple dress suit. It had trimmings of black at the sleeves, pockets, and hem, with small black buttons running down on the right side. Her matching dress was a bit provocative, ending just above her knees. I leaned out of my chair ...