My lil bro kenneth pt 1
Date: 9/12/2017,
True Story
Teen Male / Teen Male,
Author: bigtimebilly
... can hurt people, especially yourself.” “What do you mean by that buddy?” “It means I am gay, and today i finally made the mistake of stareing too long in the locker room, someone noticed, and by the end of the day, half of the school was calling me a faggot. I got food thrown at me today, i didnt even get to finish my lunch. I hid in the bathroom for so long.. It was so painful, I wanted to die” First of all I knew, without telling him anything, I knew he was. I was waiting for him to be open with me, at this moment i asked myself if that was the right decision. I still do to this day. “Shit… did you report it to anyone at the school?” “No, I am scared about what my mom might think. I wanted it to go away, I wanted it to be a dream, but it isn’t. What am I gonna do???” He started crying again, and, as time would have it, we were pulling into driveway so… “Lets go inside and get you cleaned up. Don’t worry about anything right now, I am here ok? Ill keep you safe.” “Ok…” So we went inside and he threw his backpack on the couch and went upstairs to his room to get some clothes(He has his own room at my house, and clothes and whatnot given he lives with me almost as much as his mother). I called his mom and told her we were home. I told her he had a very rough day, but I would take care of him, she thanked me and told me to call if we needed anything. So i went upstairs and he was on the floor next to his bed crying, he had mashed potatoes caked to his back, i doubt he realized ...
... it was even there. So i layed down on the floor next to him and just held him. He was shaking, sobbing. I couldn’t believe how down he was. “You do not need to cry anymore. No one can hurt you, no one is ever going to hurt you again. I won’t let it happen” “But, I don’t understand, there are openly gay people at my school, why me? Why do they hate me?” “I don’t know buddy, we will figure it out, and make sure it stops, but right now all we have is each other and I am gonna make sure you cheer up, come on lets get you in the shower, and in some clean clothes, then we can maybe, play some league or something else?” “Ok.” I saw a faint smile, it came and went just as fast. He grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom and I went downstairs. Grabbed the phone and called one of the school social workers. Mrs Denny. She had helped me all throughout high school. I even came out to her before my own mother. I wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on. “Hello?” “He Mrs Denny! Its William, how are you?” “OH! Well im busy, but alright, how about yourself?” “Well personally I am fine, but I am calling about kenneth” “Ah.. Yes i just heard about what happened today from one of his teachers, how is he feeling?” “with all due respect, I think thats a silly question…” “Yes, well, Sorry. At any rate, from what i hear, it started this morning in gym and went on throughout the day, he refused help from any staff member that approached him, and would not come to see me.” “I see, well ...